February 24, 2010
By: Faal...i.e. GRU in RUSSIA
In a move showing the rapidly deteriorating conditions in the United States, where new reports are showing nearly 1 out of 5 Americans are now jobless and another 20 million have been thrown from their homes into the street, the GRU is reporting to Prime Minister Putin today that German Chancellor Angela Merkel [photo top right with Obama] has ordered her Federal Ministry of Defense"immediate" to place over 18,000 Bundeswehr troops under NATO command for redeployment to the heartland of the US.
According to these reports, Merkel received an "urgent" plea from Obama this past fortnight for these German troops after being told by his US Military Commanders that they may not have sufficient forces in their Northern Command to keep an expected American civil-war from occurring during the expected bank failures set to occur in their Nation in late April and early May and depriving these already beleaguered people of even the most basic of necessities forcing millions of them into relief camps.
These reports further state that Merkel has scheduled an early April tour of the United States to "see for herself" where Bundeswehr troops will be employed by NATO against the American people, but has also "stressed" to Obama that German soldiers should not be utilized in any combat operations, only missions of support and disaster relief.
Russian Military Analysts are further stating in these reports that over 20,000 NATO military troops, from various European Nations, have already been "infiltrated" into the
As horrifying as it is that the Americans even have a military base where their troops are being trained to fight against their own citizens, even more shocking is MUTC's motto "Defend The Homeland-Win The Peace", and especially noted in these reports for its "Orwellian" phrasing reminiscent of the 2001 Patriot Act which has done more to strip these peoples of their rights and freedoms than any other law in US history.
Important to note about these events is that as Obama continues his steady march towards martial law, the fear of him is causing many US States to begin a rapid loosening of their already lax gun laws (as compared to the EU and Russia) in preparation for an expected assault on their freedoms from their central government overlords.
New reports from the United States are also showing that their citizens have been plundered on a scale not seen in that country since the Robber Baron's of the late 19th and early 20th centuries destroyed their once vibrant Republic to replace it with a much more "compliant" Democracy (mob rule, i.e. "two wolves and one sheep voting on what to have dinner) and has seen the disparity of wealth between these people and their elite classes reach a level not seen since the 1920's, and which led to the Great Depression.
So dire has the banking crisis become in the United States that their largest bank Citigroup this past week notified all of its customer that beginning April 1st it is reserving the right to refuse letting any American withdrawal money from their checking or savings accounts for up to 7 days. And if that isn't bad enough, the United States chief banking regulator, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), is now making a desperate plea for all Americans to participate in what they are calling "America Saves Week" and put more of their money in this already collapsing banking system.
Paradoxically, at the exact same time that the American people are being warned their money is not going to be available to them, and as the FDIC is pleading with them to put more money into their banks, the Wall Street Journal News is reporting today that lending from American banks has now fallen to "epic lows" not seen since the early days of World War II in 1942.
To the options left available to the American people to protect themselves against the continued tyranny they are being subjected to by their own government and elite classes there appears to be very few, and as we can read as reported by London's Times Online News Service in their article titled "Buy farmland and gold,'" advises Dr Doom", and which says:
Even worse for the American people is that they are now being feared by their own government officials, including their Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano who told reporters this past week that US "authorities are becoming more concerned about American citizens or legal residents becoming involved in terrorist plots against the United States."
And to just how fearful the US government has become of its own citizens we can see evidenced in Obama's allowing their police forces to continue tapping and tracking their cell phones without their even having to obtain a warrant, as if each and every American citizen is now a criminal subject in their own Nation. Important to note too is that we had previously documented American officials openly stating that they have the right to assassinate and even massacre their own citizens should they deem them a threat.
Most unfortunately in all of these events are the American people still believing the lies told to them by their propaganda media and meant to keep them mollified and distracted from the coming horrors they will have to face as their American dream becomes revealed for what it truly is….a nightmare beyond comprehension
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