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Schadenfreude alert!
MoveOn, a giant in the progressive political world and an early endorser of Barack Obama in 2008, warns that it might have to “pull the plug” on key campaigns to help Obama and Senate Democrats if its 7 million members don’t pony up with at least $5.
Without a rush of new cash, MoveOn says it will have to give up efforts to elect Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts, help the recall fight against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and energize younger voters who’ve soured on Washington.
“It's like picking which of your kids you love the most. I just can't do it,” said MoveOn in an email plea. “If we can’t increase our budget, we might have to dramatically scale back or pull the plug on some of MoveOn’s most important election efforts this year.”
The homepage of MoveOn, which helped organize the 2004 anti-war movement, includes a “chip in” button preset at $8.
Don’t discount the importance of MoveOn to keeping the Democrats in charge of the Senate and Obama in office, said the email, which provided a little history of the successes of the group:
“MoveOn has an incredible track record in past elections—when we take on a campaign, we get results.
“In 2008, MoveOn was one of the first groups to endorse President Obama, and we then recruited 1 million volunteers who went door to door, made phone calls, and helped provide the surge of grassroots support necessary to elect Obama.
“In 2006, before anyone else was even talking about it, we announced plans to take back Congress from the Republicans. We made over 7 million phone calls to occasional voters to help fuel the Democratic takeover of Congress.
“And in 2004 we organized a neighborhood get-out-the-vote program that knocked on over 4.6 million doors in 10,000 swing-state precincts.
“If we can finish this quarter with a bang, that will give us enough confidence to go forward with campaigns that we'd otherwise have to cut right now.”
Washington Post Editorial on Obama By Matt Patterson (columnist - Washington Post, New York Post, San Government & Society: Years from now, historians may regard the 2008 election of Barack He left no academic legacy in academia, authored no signature Not content to wait for history, the incomparable Norman Podhoretz Podhoretz continues: And in any case, what did such ancient history Unfortunately, minorities often suffer so that whites can pat And that is what America did to Obama. True, Obama himself was never What could this breed if not the sort of empty narcissism on display The man thinks and speaks in the hoariest of cliches, and that's when Not one original idea has ever issued from his mouth - it's all And what about his character? Obama is constantly blaming anything and But really, what were we to expect? The man has never been responsible In short: our president is a small and small-minded man, with neither When you understand that, and only when you understand that, will the |
By Daniel Tovrov:
May 30, 2012 2:05 PM EDT
On Tuesday, it was reported that a shipment of Russian weapons was scheduled to arrive in Syria by the weekend. Presumably, the arms will be put in the hands of President Bashar al-Assad, whose 14 month-long crackdown against an anti-government movement has resulted in more than 9,000 civilians deaths.
The shipment is allegedly being delivered aboard the Professor Katsman, a Russian-flagged cargo ship that was last spotted in the Aegean Sea; it is believed that the boat will be stopping in Athens's Piraeus Road port before heading to Tartus, the Russian-own naval base in western Syria, according to MarineTraffic.
The Russian foreign ministry has been mum on the shipment, but the weapons are thought to have been supplied by Rosoboronexport, the official state arms dealer, with whom the Pentagon still has a contract.
A history of Russia-Syria's military relationship:
- Russia has been selling Syria weapons since the Soviet period, starting with the 1973 Arab-Israeli war.
- However, Russia became Syria's main arms supplier after the fall of the Soviet Union, when Russia absolved Syria of $9.8 billion of its $13.4 billion debt in exchange for making Tartus a permanent Russian military base. Tartus is Russia's only naval presence in the Mediterranean.
- Currently, 10 percent of Russian global arms shipments head to Syria, and contracts are worth about $1.5 billion.
- In 2008, Russia, along with China, Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency, was critical of a United States-led drive to cancel Syria's purchase of nuclear reactors.
- Between 2000 and 2010, when Syria was subject to a European Union arms embargo, Russia and other states shipped at least $2.2 billion worth of arms and munitions to Damascus.
- Between 2007 and 2011, Russia supplied 78 percent of Syria's weapons imports; Russian sales to Syria increased by 580 percent over that time period compared to the previous four years.
- In Sept. 2008, foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said that the planned sale of MiG-29SMT fighter jets, Iskander tactical missile systems, Yak-130 aircrafts and two Amur-1650 submarines are "in line with the international law" and "in the interests of strengthening stability and maintaining security" in the region.
- The Syrian uprising and subsequent government crackdown begins in March, 2011.
- Shipments of small arms, which are harder for international agencies to trace, rise starting in March.
- Throughout 2011, Russia continued to sell Syria missile defense systems -- including the Buk-M2E surface-to-air missile system and Bastion-P coastal defense missile systems.
- Total weapons sales to Syria in 2011 reached $1 billion.
- In January, 2012, Russia sold Syria 36 Yakovlev Yak-130 light attack jets for $550-million, although analysts said at the time that the Yak-130 is "superfluous for attacking insurgents (because) these goals can be served by cheaper planes," adding that they would be ineffective in an air battle with Israeli, Turkish or Western aircrafts.
- The Chariot, a Russian flagged ship carrying arms from Rosoboronexport, heads for Tartus despite telling the European Union that it would change course. The ship is believed to be carrying sniper rifles. At that time, Syrian snipers were killing protestors in Homs, Damascus and other cities.
- In February, the Friends of Syria group contemplates arming Syrian rebels. Saudi Arabia is the chief proponent, but an agreed-upon arms embargo persists. The United States sends military equipment and supplies to the rebel Free Syrian Army, but not weapons or ammo.
- May 25: Houla Massacre - 108 people are murdered, about half of them children in Houla. Both the government and the opposition say the other is responsible. Meanwhile, the Professor Katsman leaves a Swedish port and moves south.
- May 30: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov responds to the massacre, blaming it on rebels and terrorists. Nonetheless, Russian analysts tell Reuters that Houla will be the "tipping point," and that Moscow must think harder about its relationship with Assad than ever before.
- UPI - Russia Defends Arms Sales to Syria - 29 Sept. 2008
- Global Security Watch--Russia: A Reference Handbook
- RIA Novosti - Russia to Sell 36 Yak-130 Jets to Syria - 23 January 2012
- BBC - Russian arms shipments bolster Syria's embattled Assad - 30 Jan. 2012
- The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute's Arms Transfers Database. 19 March 2012.
- Reuters - New global arms treaty must set tough rules: Oxfam - 29 March 2012
- Reuters - Syria massacre pushes Moscow toward decision point - 30 May 2012
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at 3:49 PM EDT
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Dolores Huerta is not shy about her socialist beliefs. She’s heaped public praise on the work Hugo Chavez is doing by socializing Venezuela and wonders why America isn’t following the same path (wait…we aren’t?) Huerta has said that “Republicans hate Latinos” and has no problem with illegal immigration. So, of course, she’s a great pick for the Presidential Medal of Freedom …if your President happens to be a socialist.
That’s right, Dolores Huerta can now add one more bullet to her resume. Thanks to President Obama she has been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
It would be a HUGE understatement to say Glenn wasn’t exactly thrilled about this, as he told listeners about the President’s honoree. Glenn has been lambasted by the mainstream media for daring to describe President Obama as a socialist.
When given the facts, Glenn would argue that the mainstream media should be lambasted for calling the President anything but a socialist, and for completely ignoring and/or avoiding his radical ties. His latest slogan, “Forward,” has been used throughout history in socialist and communist regimes, he’s appointed multiple known socialists and communists along with those that praise them to his cabinet – Carole Browner, Van Jones, and Anita Dunn just to name a few – and now, he’s honored an honoree chair of the Democratic Socialists of America with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
“So you have some idea of who has received this in the past, it has been Billy Graham, Pope John Paul, Gordon B. Hinckley, Mother Teresa, Neal Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Friedrich Hyack, Bill Cosby, Ansel Adams, Frank Sinatra, B.B. King, John Wayne, Walt Disney, Charlton Heston, Bob Hope, Jimmy Stewart, Norman Rockwell, and Dolores Huerta – the honoree chair of the Democratic Socialists of America,” Glenn said, “A woman who has bashed the United States as a nation that stole Mexican land, whose allegiance lies not with this country but with Mexico.”
After playing an audio clip of Huerta saying that “Republicans hate Latinos,” Glenn reminded listeners that President Obama was supposed to be ‘the great uniter’, “so he starts by giving the Presidential Medal of Freedom to a woman who says that Republicans hate Latinos?” Glenn asked.
But there’s more. Here are just a few samples of the audio clips Glenn played on radio this morning:
Huerta (speaking to Mexicans/Mexican Americans): “As we like to say, we didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us”
Huerta: “And we have a campaign that we rolled out – and we rolled it out here in the state of Texas deliberately, because we wanted the message to come home to the neighborhood, to the barrio, to the community. And it’s a program that we’re calling ‘We Can Help.’
Huerta (speaking in a commercial): “I’m Delores Huerta and I have a message for every hardworking farmworker: You deserve to get paid every dollar you earn, and have safe housing and transportation. This is the law. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division can help if there’s a problem. Whether your documented or not, the call is free and confidential.”
Huerta also had a lot of surprisingly great things to say about Hugo Chavez and what he’s doing down in Venezuela. She praised the cooperative farms, free medical and dental care, the free housing for the people (that Venezuela’s military commands their representative to provide). “We are the richest country in the world, right? So why can’t we do that in the United States? Republicans hate Latinos. Republicans hate Latinos,” Huerta said.
Glenn emphasized again that yes, Dolores Huerta, who praises socialist dictators like Hugo Chavez, is the Presidential Medal of Freedom Honoree.
“So you know who Hugo Chavez is. Why can’t we do this in America? There’s many people in this administration who ask that very question. Why can’t we do it!? In fact, one of them is the Marxist and diversity Czar at the FCC Mark Lloyd,” Glenn said. “A guy who says a very important revolution happened, but only when he got control of the media.”
Glenn decided to take a better look at the wonderful Venezuela and Hugo Chavez that everyone in this administration seems to adore so much.
Here are just a few of the facts on Chavez and Venezuela that Glenn shared with listeners this morning:
Hugo Chavez has rationed water and light. Small towns in Venezuela now go weeks without water and hours without electric lights.
He’s trying to control what students can and cannot do. Chavez has his own University where Chaveznistas can attend – none of them get hired. Why? Their educational system is so “efficient” that students can become a doctor in a three years and an engineer in two.
Chavez is a friendly contact to the gorillas from Columbia, and also had a good relationship with the Saddam Hussein.
Chavez has fostered a relationship with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and there are now Iranian missiles pointed towards the U.S. from Venezuela.
Venezuala has nationalized oil, gas, and banking industries.
Chavez has threatened the lives of politicians that dares to run against him and their families. He has also taken part in kidnappings of other politician and other politician families.
“This is who Dolores Huerta admires. This is what she’s out preaching we should be more like. This is the woman that the President just honored yesterday with the Medal of Freedom,” Glenn said.
John Podhoretz | @jpodhoretz 05.30.2012 - 4:07 PM
Apparently, Barack Obama told a visiting contingent of Conservative Jewish rabbis that he probably knows more about Judaism than any other president—on the same day that he referred to “Polish death camps.” For that last remark he apologized, but the one about Judaism is far more telling. In the first place, the claim is transparently absurd. We can quickly pass over the fact that John Adams and James Madison, among the most educated men in the world at the time, knew Hebrew as well as Latin and Greek and just say that the president is, to put it mildly, punching above his weight here. So let’s move on to the fact that every president until the modern era knew more about Judaism than Barack Obama because the Bible was the one book every literate person knew, and the Bible includes the books Christians call the “Old Testament,” and a working knowledge of the Old Testament certainly is the best introduction to “Judaism” there is.
Earlier presidents did not learn the Talmud, of course, but if Barack Obama ever has, that would come as news to me. There is no indication from Obama’s own writing that he is especially Bible-literate, and we can presume that his notorious pastor of 20 years used the Bible primarily as flavoring for his political duck soup. I have no doubt that, among presidents closer to our time, Jimmy Carter was far more conversant in the lore of Biblical Judaism, for all the good it did his corrupted soul when it comes to the Jewish state.
Perhaps what the president meant is that he’s known more Jews than other presidents. This too is an absurdity, as Ronald Reagan spent 30 years in Hollywood and had Jews coming out his ears. In fact, chances are Barack Obama knows less about Judaism than most presidents, except that he knows a lot of liberal Jews.
What the president does, without question, know a great deal about is the act of preening.
April 27, 2012
Courtesy of PJ Media, here’s a revelation that’s somehow nowhere near as shocking as it ought to be. Yesterday on Capitol Hill, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius admitted that she didn’t bother to check the Constitution or judicial precedent before going ahead with the Obama administration’s contraception mandate.
Asked by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) what tests of legal interpretation she used to determine that the mandate struck the right balance with religious liberty, Sebelius answered:
Congressman, I’m not a lawyer and I don’t pretend to understand the nuances of the constitutional balancing tests[.] […] I am not going to wade into constitutional law, I’m talking about the fact that we are implementing a law that was passed by the Congress, signed by the President, which directed our department to develop a package of preventive health services for women. We have done just that with the advice of the Institute of Medicine, and promulgated that rule.
Note well that the combination of congressional votes, presidential signatures, and the opinion of the Institute of Medicine amounts to somewhere between nada and zilch when it comes to constitutional law.
Not-Lawyer Sebelius then admitted that she didn’t even attempt to cure her ignorance before making policy:
GOWDY: Before this rule was promulgated, did you read any of the Supreme Court cases on religious liberty?
SEBELIUS: I did not.
In response, Gowdy took some time to inform the secretary of several such cases, in which the Supreme Court overwhelmingly sided with religious groups over “compelling government interests.” The stage set, Gowdy grilled Sebelius again:
GOWDY: So when you say you balance things, can you understand why I might be seeking a constitutional balancing instead of any other kind?
SEBELIUS: I do, sir, and I defer to our lawyers to give me good advice on the Constitution. I do not pretend to be a constitutional lawyer-
GOWDY: Is there a legal memo that you relied on, at least when-
SEBELIUS: I relied on discussions.
GOWDY: At least when Attorney General Holder made his recess appointments there was a legal memo that he relied on. Is there one you can share with us?
SEBELIUS: Attorney General Holder clearly runs the Justice Department and lives in a world of legal memos.
Nobody expects every politician or administrator to be a full-blown constitutional scholar. But Sebelius’ complete disinterest in the Constitution is an inexcusably drastic lurch in the opposite direction. I didn’t check precedent; Congress’s and the president’s approval was good enough for me… Sebelius thinks the constitutionality of her department’s actions is somebody else’s problem.
That’s not how it works. Just like all other federal officers, Sebelius took an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States.” She’s not supposed to just pass the buck on to the lawyers and the courts; it’s her responsibility to do the homework necessary to ensure that she’s not breaking the law in the course of her duties. That means looking up the precedent, consulting with legal authorities, reading the Founders’ explanation of their intent, and, believe it or not, flipping through the Constitution once in a while.
Seriously, Kathleen, it’s not that bad. My pocket copy’s only thirty pages. The First Amendment is just forty-five words. Reading the Constitution: so easy a Cabinet secretary can do it!
[Reading is not necessarily understanding or caring about what is said]
To those of us who’ve been paying attention, it’s no surprise that religious liberty isn’t a concern for the Obama administration, but one still can’t help but be taken aback by how little they try to mask their dereliction of duty.
Calvin Freiburger is a Wisconsin-based conservative writer and pro-life activist, dedicated to the principles of the American Foundingindividual liberty, limited government, public virtue, and strong defensethough he believes no issue is more important to a free society’s survival than defending the unalienable rights of society’s most vulnerable members. Calvin graduated from Hillsdale College with a Politics degree in 2011. He was previously a regular contributor to and the Hillsdale Forum. Currently, his work can also be found on,, and his personal blog, Calvin Freiburger Online ( In high school and beyond, he aided the pro-life cause both as a volunteer for Pro-Life Wisconsin and as a member of HeartBeat Teens, a Fond du Lac County pro-life youth group.
What a great send off for this past Memorial Day weekend. And, the picture showing Ft. Point makes it a really a spectacular one.
Great photo of the USS Iowa enroute to it's final berth.
All Hands...
With our special thanks to Molly Rossman of Oakland, California, and to Ron Barrett of Piedmont, California, All Hands will be receiving two sets of spectacular photos of USS Iowa in transit under the Golden Gate.
The Iowa photo is in High Resolution and should make a great 8 x 10 print suitable for framing.
Tom Helvig, CTRCM, USN/Retired (1953-1975)
Command Master Chief (1974-1975)
Volunteer Writer/Editor The Iowan History Letter
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Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
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