Thursday, March 14, 2013

Militia Leader on Where we are Headed In America


Take a look at all of your leadership right now:  The majority in positions of REAL power are ALL supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood:


The CIA Director, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, Michael Downing (LAPD), Sheriff Lee Baca, Pastor Rick Warren, CPAC, Admiral Mullen, Ron Paul, Chris Christie, Eric Holder, FBI, CIA, USMC, USAF (James Clapper), John McCain, Lindsay Graham and all the members of a MOSTLY impotent Congress who attacked the Bachmann 5 expose of massive U.S. government infiltration.  Investigations have been dropped (surprised?) and the Hamas funding trial information supplied to MB funders has not been delivered to the House Judiciary Committee despite multiple public requests.  (surprised again?)


U.S. soldiers are no longer permitted to engage in effective combat, are committing suicide in record numbers and being picked off by the enemy at an accelerated rate.


This is why I will NOT be attending your workshop (sorry, xxxx) and why I will NOT attend any conferences, protests, special events, etc. 


ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  View the important videos below to get the TRUE PICTURE of where we are in America.


There are only 2 options at this point:  


            1)  Enslavement by the Muslim Brotherhood or


            2)  Complete Revolution.


DON'T YOU SEE WHAT'S Happening?  This is the FALL of the Republic - the END of FREEDOM - and FEW recognize it.  Even fewer are planning to fight it the only way it can be fought.


FLASH:  The government, the police and the military will NOT help you.  They are mostly part of the problem.  


You will NOT "talk" or "write" or "conference" your way out of this.  You're suffering from false assumptions and most folks are in a state of deadly complacency.  




1…  Rick Warren and Ingrid Mattson Salam Al Malakum



3… Sheriff Baca, Salam al Malakum


4… Michael Downing LAPD, Muslim Brotherhood is good, like evolution.


5…     Chris Matthews: Religion played no part in Ft. Hood Massacre


6…  Helen Thomas and John Brennan


7… John Brennan destroys America by claiming Islam is good.



9… Muslim Brotherhood, McCain not sure Muslim Brotherhood in charge.  "The Libyan Rebels are My Heroes": 


10…  Young Turks – White House Infiltrated


11… Charlie Bolden, NASA



13… GW Bush Islam – hope and comfort to the enemy:



14…  Suhail Kahn, no Muslim Brotherhood in the United States.  Dad was Mahboob Kahn of Garden Grove mosque


15… James Clapper Muslim Brotherhood


16…  Glen Beck Muslim Brotherhood


17… Ron Paul: "Islam is not to blame"


18… Admiral Mullen ignores US Constitution: Article 1, Section 8, clause 10


19…   Peter Hammond Ratios and Violence

20… Global MPH  Muslim Ratio to population until violence



22…  Is it un-American to regulate a religion

Sent from my iPad

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