h/t BNI also on Twitter @barenakedislam
How do “Islamists” like CAIR corrupt and coerce Muslims and politicians at all levels? Here’s how:

Have You Completed Your Check List Yet?
If Not Don’t Wait Any Longer Time is Running Out!
Wed. APRIL 10th, 7:00 AM Buses Depart 6:00 PM Buses Return
(Forward This E-Mail to Community Members Who You Think Are Interested in Participating)
1. Have I Contacted My Elected Officials to Reserve a Meeting?
2. Have I Registered On-Line Yet? Bus Tickets are $10 per Adult & $5 per Student (SEATING IS LIMITED)
3. What Am I Going to Talk About When I Get to the State Capitol?
Don’t Worry Were Going to Provide Training on What to Talk About and Give You An Issues Folder With Information
4. Do I Know the Schedule for Capitol Day?
*If Not Click Here to Review the Schedule
Remember if you register for Capitol Day on-line at http://mocapitolday.eventbrite.com/# then the CAIR-STL office will help you to contact your elected officials to schedule a meeting.
DON’T WORRY: If you’re planning on participating in Missouri Capitol Day you’ll need to schedule a meeting with your elected official.
Scheduling a meeting is easy, so don’t worry. Many Muslims get nervous when they have to contact their official and I want to let you know it’s fast & easy. Remember BUSES will leave from Dar Al Islam Masjid at 7:00 am sharp and return by 6:00 pm. Seating is limited tickets are only $10 for adults and $5 for students and you can buy your ticket on-line or the morning of Capitol Day. When you arrive at Jefferson City we’ll give you a folder with the issues that will be discussed on that day. Below is how to schedule a meeting with your elected official.
STEP 1: Getting Your Full Zip Code ·
In order to meet your elected official you will need to go on-line and know your full zip code. Simply go to https://tools.usps.com/go/ZipLookupAction!input.action
STEP 2: Finding Your Elected Officials · Once you have your full Zip Code all you will need to do is look up your State Legislators by visiting http://www.senate.mo.gov/LegisLookup/Leg_Lookup.aspx/leg_lookup.aspxGo to that web-site and type in your 9 digit zip code and it will give you all of your Elected Officials and Representatives.
STEP 3: E-Mailing & Calling Your Elected Officials for a Meeting
Once you know who your elected officials are and have their contact information simply send them an e-mail stating your name, number, address, and that you are coming to the State Capitol on Wednesday, April 10th from 9:00 am-4:00 pm and would like to schedule a meeting.
Draft E-Mail:
Dear (Insert Official’s Name Here)
My name is (Insert Your Name) and I one of your constituents living at (Insert Address). On Wednesday April 10th is our 3rd Annual Muslim Day at the State Capitol and I will be at the Capitol Building from 9:30 am till 4:00 pm. I would like to schedule a meeting with you to discuss issues that are important to me and the community I live in. Please contact me with a time that you are available to meet. My e-mail address is (insert E-mail) and (Insert Tel. number optional)
(Insert Your Name)
It’s that simple, make sure to contact them As Soon As You Can to setup a meetings
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (636)207-8882 or e-mail at faizan@cair-stlouis.com
This branch of the Hamas USA is led by a Muslim we highlighted a few months ago when he was caught calling for Islamic sharia blasphemy laws right here in the United States. All part of a worldwide plan as he put it. He has since bleached his comments and flushed them down the memory hole.

Director of CAIR Missouri wants to prosecute Americans who insult Islam…using sharia law – courtesy of @ztruth – follow her on Twitter too.
“Report anti Islamic and anti Muslim content on the internet to appropriate authorities to take action to remove it and go after those who post it online and prosecute and take actions according to the Shariah ruling.”
There need at least one such team in every country (I know it’s a daunting taks, but one small steps takes us to bigger one)
The media, most elected officials in the U.S., many clergy, and almost all Muslims keep lying to you. They tell you Muslims just want to work, raise a family and don’t want to enforce sharia law. Not on non-Muslims anyway. But more and more frequently Muslims are letting it be known that in fact they do want sharia. And polls show that a disturbing number of Muslims agree with their Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda, Hamas, Hizbollah, al Shabaab and al Nusra brethren. To name a few.
Counter this by sending your elected officials, particularly if you live in Missouri, extensive information on CAIR starting with these two reports detailing their history of terror support and links.
URL: http://wp.me/pbU4v-ej6
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