This Cuban guy is right. Most Americans don't have a bloody clue what freedom is. You know it when you don't have it. I know what it is. This poor Cuban fellow does, too. I hope your nation never has to learn.
Survivor Of Communist Cuba Defends 2nd Amendment
Brandon Smith
Alt Market
April 10, 2013
In the past, I have corresponded with a few survivors of communist despotism, and what I have found is that most if not all immigrants that actually lived in a collectivized state with a disarmed population fight harder to defend the U.S. Constitution than half of the people who were actually born here. There are a lot of overgrown children in this country today who have NO understanding of the consequences of the path our society has been set on. They look to big government to take care of them because they are too lazy or apathetic to do it for themselves. They look to big government to protect them because they are cowardly and have no concept of self-defense. They look to big government as an attack dog that they can hide behind when they seek to impose their ideology and zealotry on the rest of us. They bow down to big government because they are afraid of becoming the “nail that sticks out”. They submit to authoritarianism because they have no honor, and, no sense of appreciation when it comes to the concept of true liberty.
These sad but useful idiots within our population love to argue in the name of the state, constantly claiming that the ongoing restrictions of our individual freedoms and constitutional rights are “for the greater good” of our society as a whole. They insist that even though the political measures being taken in the U.S. today are almost identical to those implemented in communist police states, this time “things will be different”. This time, the collectivists will “get it right”. Not surprising, though, is the fact that the vast majority of those that call for rights restrictions and socialized mega-government have never actually lived under the kind of system they are demanding. They have absolutely NO idea what it is really like, nor do they ever attempt to learn from those who comprehend full well.
Some people know. Some people have lived it. Some people have experienced the consequences first hand. And, for anyone with the intelligence to listen, this is what they have to say about gun control and the path to tyranny…
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