Obama: ‘I Am Not Familiar’ With Benghazi Whistleblowers Being Threatened
Posted on 01 May 2013 @ 09:25 by AAABTonto
Obama: ‘I Am Not Familiar’ With Benghazi Whistleblowers Being Threatened
Opinion by AAABTonto:
Yesterday, I wrote about the State Department blocking lawyers from representing Benghazi whistle-blowers and how the MSM had said almost nothing. Well, it seems that they can’t ignore this inconvenient truth any longer and, in a random act of journalism, Obama was asked about about said harassment of the Benghazi whistle blowers by the State Department. Obama’s response was to claim ignorance concerning the situation.
(Pause … I am wrapping my head with duct tape in effort to keep my head from exploding again …)
This is utter balderdash! The President knows damn good and well what the State Department is doing. If he doesn’t, then he is an utter fool. The President’s actions surrounding the Benghazi attack are nothing short of negligent. The President is a liar. Hillary Clinton is a liar. These two have blood on their hands and they know it. And, since the President finds the rule of law inconvenient and he has Attorney General to help him circumvent it, he has no problem with denying these whistle blowers their Constitutional rights.
Victoria Toensing on WMAL 4-30-13
Reporter Slams State Dept For Lack Of Transparency
The heat is being turned up on the President, who slept blissfully while Ambassador Stevens was being tortured to death. Then he jetted across the country to attend a fundraiser the following day. What an outstanding leader … if only he didn’t have to deal with that damn Constitution.
Rep. Trey Gowdy: Eyewitnesses Will Testify Next Week on Benghazi Massacre
Obama’s Presidency is fraught with illegalities–to the point of nausea. It is shameful, disgusting and dangerous. The rest of the world is watching and they are noting his indecision, his hypocrisy and his pacifism. Obama believes that because he has been nice to the Muslim Brotherhood that they will, in turn, be kind to him–he is in for a rude awakening. In fact, he has previously stated that “America should lead from behind” and similar pacifistic nonsense. This is an appalling position for the Leader of the Free World to place himself in–it leaves us pathetically vulnerable. Quite frankly, it makes me angry because history has shown us that peace is best maintained from a position of strength.
Equally important in leadership is sincerity. Regarding Iran’s nuclear program and Syria’s chemical weapons use, the President has stated several times that a “red line will be crossed” if Iran or Syria were to further escalate or implement their WMDs–but Obama’s words are empty. He has no idea of how or what to do now that those “red lines” are being trespassed. Obama is a paper tiger and Assad and the Iranian government are well aware of this.

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URL: http://wp.me/p1SHGG-9O4
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