Muslim Terrorist Attacks vs. Christian Terrorist Attacks
My uninformed friend who “drinks the Kool Aid of MSM propaganda” said that “there are terrorists in Islam and Christianity, the two religions are the same, there are “nuts” in both religions.”
Well, let’s look at the facts.
Besides the fact that the Q’ran was written by Mohammed (his wife Aisha was 6 years old) 600 yearsafter the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) was written, and the Q’ran takes the stories of the Torah and changes the names, so that Ishmael (Arab) instead of Issac (Jewish) becomes the first-born son who receives the blessing from father Abraham; and besides the fact that the God of the Bible died for our salvation, and the Allah of the Q’ran wants you to die for your salvation; and beside the fact that Jesus said in Matthew 5 “Love your enemies,” and Mohammed said in Sura 9:5, “Kill the infidel (non-Muslims);” let’s see how many terrorist attacks were caused by Christians in the last decade, and how many were caused by Muslims.
Start with Christians.
The Liberal-Progressive (Socialist/Communist) Mainstream Media insinuated or reported that these Mass Murderers/Terrorists below were “Christians“:
1. Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian and never claimed to be.* He was obsessed with the “violent, race wars” book called “The Turner Diaries” by William Pierce. “…He slept with it under his pillow…”
(*Being sprinkled as a baby in a Catholic church doesn’t make someone a Christian)
2. Jared Lee Loughner who shot Gabrille Giffords? His parents belonged to the same reformed synagogue that Giffords belonged to. He listed “Jewish” on his MySpace page and “Mein Kampf” as his favorite book. Not a Christian!
3. Columbine. Harris and Klebold From their left-behind writings and videos, they seem to have been agnostic and antagonistic toward Christians. Klebold’s journal entry said, “… I have just lost *uckin 45$, & Before that I lost my zippo & knife – (i did get those back) Why the *uck is he being such an A**HOLE??? (god i guess, whoever is the being which controlls *hit)…” They weren’t Christians.
4. Norwegian massacre guy? Anders Behring Breivik. Not a Christian. In his 1500 page manifesto he wrote, “”If you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God then you are a religious Christian. Myself and many more like me do not necessarily have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God. We do however believe in Christianity as a cultural, social, identity and moral platform…I’m not going to pretend I’m a very religious person as that would be a lie. I’ve always been very pragmatic and influenced by my secular surroundings and environment…Religion is a crutch for many weak people and many embrace religion for self serving reasons as a source for drawing mental strength.”
5. Batman Movie Masacre? James Holmes. Not a Christian. “ has confirmed that Holmes had an account on the dating site, in which he posted “agnostic” as his religion.” Just recently, he converted to Islam in prison.
6. Sandy Hook killer? Adam Lanza – Satan worshipper ? The main stream media never mentions his religion. But the UK Daily Mail says a former classmate, Trevor L. Todd, revealed that “Adam had an online page dedicated to Satan… he had the word ‘Devil’ written in red, Gothic-style letters against a black background.
“But he who sins against me injures himself; All those who hate me love death.”” – Proverbs 8:36.
Andrew Rosenthal writes in the NY Times, “What’s the difference between McVeigh and Tsarnaev?”
His article infers that Muslim terrorists as opposed to other terrorists get racial/religious “profiling.” Uh, Rosenthal…America is at war with Islamic Terrorism. And, our president is on the side of the enemy. That is the difference between Timothy and Dzhokhar. There are no Christian Terrorist Training Camps. There are Muslim Terrorist Training Camps. There is no one shouting “Glory to Jesus Christ” and chopping people’s heads off on the streets of London and Paris. There are Muslims shouting “Allahu Akbar” while shooting people at Ft. Hood.
“Islamic terrorists” who are breeding at an alarming rate, want to take over the world and instigate Shariah Law.
“Mass Murderer/terrorists” like Harris, Klebold, and Loughner want to make a statement and kill themselves. That’s the difference.
What they have in common is that they all did evil, and that none of them are Jesus-followers or adhere to the Bible, or its gospel message of love, redemption, and salvation.
So, no stats on Christian murder.
Now, here are statistics of the violence done by Muslims recently. For complete list, scroll to bottom of this page.
List of Islamic Terror Attacks For Recent 30 Day Period:
Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2013.06.03 Afghanistan Laghman 7 0 Four children and two women are among a family of seven exterminated by
fundamentalist bombers.
2013.06.02 Yemen Shabwa 9 5 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber sends nine people to paradise.
2013.06.01 Yemen Hadramawt 1 0 An al-Qaeda gunmen praises Allah as he shoots a local air force officer to death at a traffic light.
2013.06.01 Afghanistan Barkhol 3 11 The Taliban take out three members of a wedding party with a roadside blast.
2013.06.01 Pakistan Pastawana 1 0 Religious extremists gun down a public high school principal in cold blood at his home.
2013.06.01 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 0 A child is among four civilians exterminated by fundamentalist bombers.
2013.06.01 Niger Niamey 4 10 Mujao Islamists storm a prison and shoot dead three guards and a visitor.
2013.05.31 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Sectarian bombers target worshippers leaving a mosque, taking down four.
2013.05.31 Pakistan Nazimabad 3 0 A 14-year-old child is among three Shiites killed during a Sipah-
e-Sahaba attack.
2013.05.30 Iraq Shaab 6 17 Mujahideen bomb a Shiite commercial district, killing at least six innocents.
2013.05.30 Iraq Tal Afar 4 8 Four people are taken out by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2013.05.29 Iraq Baghdad 16 42 Sectarian bombers blow up a wedding party, killing sixteen outright and leaving
another forty in agony.
2013.05.29 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 1 A suicide bomber attacks a Red Cross office, killing a guard.
2013.05.28 Iraq Sadr City 5 26 Sunnis detonate a shrapnel bomb at a Shia bus stop, taking down at least
five civilians.
2013.05.28 Iraq Tarmiyah 4 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends four Iraqis to Allah.
2013.05.28 Afghanistan Baghlan 5 0 Five family members are laid out by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.05.28 Afghanistan Arghistan 7 1 Taliban militants shoot seven local officers in the back after
the police invite them in for dinner.
2013.05.28 Libya Benghazi 1 3 A local soldier is gunned down by radical Islamists.
2013.05.28 Pakistan Badbher 1 1 Religious extremists fire on a team of polio workers, killing a woman.
2013.05.28 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 A man and his two sons, ages 12 and 15, are brutally shot to death by
sectarian Jihadis.
2013.05.28 Iraq Tikrit 3 2 Three Iraqis are shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.05.28 Pakistan Peshawar 2 17 Two people are killed when Sunnis set off a bomb at a Shia mosque.
2013.05.28 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi murder a man for being a Shiite.
2013.05.28 Iraq Mosul 11 2 A suicide bombing is among a series of Mujahid attacks that leave a dozen dead.
2013.05.27 Iraq Baghdad 5 14 Five civilians bleed to death following an al-Qaeda blast in a commercial area.
2013.05.27 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists gun down a Shia activist.
2013.05.27 Iraq Tikrit 2 3 al-Qaeda bomber take down two Iraqis.
2013.05.27 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A seminary student is kidnapped and murdered by sectarian rivals.
2013.05.27 Pakistan Shangla 5 0 A powerful bomb planted by radical Sunnis completely dismantles five
local cops.
2013.05.27 Thailand Pattani 1 3 One person is killed by a Muslim bomb blast near a school.
2013.05.27 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 A cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.05.27 Iraq Madain 3 9 Jihadi car bombers kill three and injure nine.
2013.05.27 Iraq Sadr City 13 35 Thirteen shoppers are blown to bits by an al-Qaeda bomb at a shopping
2013.05.27 Iraq al-Maalif 6 12 Sunni bombers strike a Shiite open air market, killing at least a half
dozen patrons.
2013.05.27 Iraq Sadria 3 11 Three Iraqis are sent to Allah by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.05.27 Iraq Sabi al-Boor 8 26 al-Qaeda bombers take out eight Iraqis with a bomb planted in a Shia
2013.05.27 Lebanon Hermel 3 1 A 17-year-old girl is among three civilians killed in a rocket attack blamed on
religious extremists.
2013.05.27 Iraq Khalis 1 2 Terrorists gun down a teacher.
2013.05.27 Iraq Jisr Diyala 5 12 Five Shiites are obliterated by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.27 Iraq Bayaa 6 16 An al-Qaeda bomb planted in a Shia neighborhood leaves six dead.
2013.05.27 Iraq Hurriyah 5 14 Five are killed A Shia neighborhood is bombed by Sunni extremists.
2013.05.27 Iraq Shaab 4 9 An al-Qaeda blast leaves four Shia dead.
2013.05.27 Iraq Kazimiyah 4 11 Four Shia waiting for a bus are sent to paradise by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.27 Iraq Baladiyat 4 11 A Sunni bomb blast in a Shia neighborhood leaves four dead.
2013.05.26 Turkey Ankara 0 1 At least one person is stabbed when Islamists shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ attack a
couple kissing on the subway.
2013.05.26 Syria Damascus 6 15 A mother and child are among six killed by an al-Nusra car bomb.
2013.05.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 50-year-old coconut farmer is gunned down by suspected Muslim
2013.05.26 Afghanistan Zherook 2 0 A 4-year-old child and her mother bleed to death following a Taliban
rocket attack on their home.
2013.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Mujahideen assassinate a promising soccer player.
2013.05.26 Kenya Abdisugow 6 2 A teacher and a teenage boy are among six people murdered by Islamic
2013.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 Three civilians are shot to death by Jihadi gunmen.
2013.05.26 Pakistan Bannu 6 6 Terrorists kill six security personnel in two attacks.
2013.05.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim ‘separatists’ shoot a 44-year-old woman several times in the chest.
2013.05.26 Egypt Cairo 1 0 Muslims abduct and kill a 6-year-old Coptic boy.
2013.05.26 Iraq Mosul 5 21 Islamic terrorists take out five Iraqis in various attacks.
2013.05.25 Iraq Samarrah 7 21 Seven Shia pilgrims on a bus are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.25 France Paris 0 1 A soldier is wounded when a Muslim stabs him in the neck in a Paris shopping
2013.05.25 Yemen Hadramawt 2 2 A civilian and a cop bleed to death after al-Qaeda militants throw a
grenade at them.
2013.05.25 Pakistan Orangi 0 2 Two children are hurt when suspected Taliban throw a bomb into a school
2013.05.25 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 14 Children are among the casualties when a female suicide bomber
detonates in a public square.
2013.05.25 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 44-year-old civilian is shot to death in his pickup truck by Muslim
2013.05.25 Somalia Baidoa 1 14 At least one person is killed by an al-Shabaab blast at a market.
2013.05.24 Afghanistan Kabul 4 4 Fedayeen attack a humanitarian aid office, killing a 6-year-old child and
three others.
2013.05.24 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Fundamentalists lob a hand grenade into a shop selling Western music,
killing the owner.
2013.05.24 Nigeria Borno 1 0 Members of Boko Haram murder an elderly Christian woman in her home.
2013.05.24 Nigeria Gwoza 2 0 A pastor and a church member are brutally slain by Islamist gunmen.
2013.05.24 Thailand Pattani 5 1 Muslim ‘separatists’ murder five security personnel with a roadside bomb.
2013.05.24 India Tral 3 0 Three Indian troops are killed in an ambush by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
2013.05.24 Afghanistan Andar 4 0 Four civilians at a mosque are killed when explosives carried by bombers
detonate prematurely after the stop off for pre-blast prayer.
2013.05.24 Pakistan Landi Kotal 1 1 Religious extremists murder a truck driver.
2013.05.24 Saudi Arabia Taif 1 0 An al-Qaeda prisoner kills a guard trying to save him from a fire.
2013.05.24 Pakistan Mattani 6 4 Religious radicals take out six local cops with RPGs.
2013.05.24 Pakistan Peshawar 2 3 Two other people are killed when a suicide bomber targets a rival
2013.05.24 Yemen al-Thalib 2 0 An al-Qaeda attack on a local security post leaves two soldiers dead.
2013.05.23 Pakistan Sibi 5 2 Fundamentalists are suspected of storming a brothel and killing five people.
2013.05.23 Pakistan Quetta 13 16 The Tehreek-i-Taliban “proudly claim” a brutal bombing that leaves over a dozen dead.
2013.05.23 Niger Agadez 20 16 Suicide bombers detonate in a local army barracks, killing about twenty others.
2013.05.23 Iraq Taji 4 5 al-Qaeda gunmen murder four local soldiers at a checkpoint.
2013.05.23 Niger Arlit 1 13 At least one civilians dies following a Mujao suicide car bombing at a uranium
2013.05.23 Dagestan Karabudakhkent 2 0 At least two innocent people are killed during a shooting and
grenade attack by Islamic militants.
2013.05.23 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young Hindu is shot to death by a Muslim gang.
2013.05.23 Egypt Luxor 3 0 A woman and her two daughters are strangled and thrown into a river by seven male
relatives concerned about unIslamic behavior.
2013.05.23 Somalia Beledweyne 3 0 al-Shabaab terrorists attack a nomad community that refused to supply
them with “payment”.
2013.05.22 Iraq Baghdad 12 0 Seven woman and five men are executed at a brothel by Islamic fundamentalists.
2013.05.22 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A grocery store owner is executed in his shop by Muslim
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 5 Taliban bombers take out an Afghan civilian
2013.05.22 UK London 1 0 An off-duty soldier is hacked to death in the name of Allah by two Muslims.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Moqur 4 14 A suicide bomber detonates at a busy market, wiping out four bystanders.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Helmand 1 3 A motorcyclist is taken out by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.05.22 Pakistan Sheikh Nala 1 3 A woman is killed when Islamic militants attack and burn four
2013.05.22 Pakistan Golimar 1 0 A Shia newspaper vendor is shot to death by Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat.
2013.05.22 Kenya Garissa 2 0 al-Shabaab is suspected in the cold-blooded killing of two civilians.
2013.05.22 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Christian man is gunned down by two men in a targeted attack.
2013.05.21 Iraq Abu Ghraib 11 21 Eleven people at a mosque bleed out following a bombing by Religion of
Peace rivals.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Pirabad 2 0 A man and wife are shot to death by her family for marrying of their own
free will.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Dargai 2 7 Muslim bombers take out two guards at a power station.
2013.05.21 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 5 Sunni fundamentalists claim credit for killing two local cops.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Sunni police officer deliberately kills a fellow officer for being a
2013.05.21 Iraq Baghdad 6 18 Six people bleed to death when Mujahideen set off a bomb outside a cafe.
2013.05.21 Lebanon Beaver Ridge WV Canaan 11 70 A cleric is among eleven people killed in a sectarian clash between Shia and Sunni.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Dargai 1 0 A cleric is gunned down in his mosque by suspected terrorists.
2013.05.21 Afghanistan Herat 7 0 Seven Afghans are exterminated by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.05.21 Iraq Kirkuk 5 46 Holy warriors send razor-sharp shrapnel into patrons of a cattle market, taking
out at least five.
2013.05.21 Iraq Tarmiyah 3 7 A suicide bomber snuffs out three other lives.
2013.05.21 Dagestan Buinaksk 1 1 A police officer is gunned down by Islamists.
2013.05.20 Iraq Hillah 9 26 Nine people are cut down by Religion of Peace rivals while leaving a mosque.
2013.05.20 Iraq Basra 13 40 Over a dozen people at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by Mujahid bombers.
2013.05.20 Iraq Anbar 13 0 Thirteen innocent kidnap victims are brutally executed by religious militants.
2013.05.20 Pakistan Bajour 1 0 Fundamentalists fire on a polio team, killing a guard.
2013.05.20 Iraq Samarrah 8 15 Eight Shia pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by Sunni car bombers.
2013.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 12 20 A dozen Shiites are torn to shreds by sectarian bombers at a market.
2013.05.20 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A peace committee activist is shot dead by Muslim terrorists.
2013.05.20 Iraq Balad 14 13 Fourteen Shia pilgrims are disassembled by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.20 Iraq Tikrit 2 1 A married couple is laid out when terrorists bomb their car.
2013.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 34 126 Over thirty people are murdered in a series of al-Qaeda bombings in Shiite areas.
2013.05.20 Dagestan Makhachkala 4 44 Four people are killed when Jihadists set off a bomb in front of
a courthouse.
2013.05.20 Afghanistan Baghlan 14 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders fourteen people.
2013.05.19 Tunisia Tunis 0 11 Eleven policemen are injured when Salafists throw petrol bombs at them.
2013.05.19 Lebanon Tripoli 2 6 A boy is among two people killed during a sectarian clash between Sunni and Shia.
2013.05.19 Pakistan Khushpur 1 3 Angry Muslims fire on a Christian village, killing a teenage student.
2013.05.19 Afghanistan Moqor 6 4 Six Afghans lose their lives to a Taliban ambush.
2013.05.19 Iraq Baqubah 2 0 Terrorists kill and man and his wife in their home.
2013.05.19 Iraq Rawa 3 2 Islamic ‘insurgents’ gun down three local cops in cold blood.
2013.05.19 Iraq Haditha 8 0 Al-Qaeda attack a police station and kill eight occupants.
2013.05.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Religious radicals open fire on a group of men playing checkers, killing two.
2013.05.19 Pakistan Basya Khel 1 5 A bomb targeting children leaves one dead.
2013.05.18 India Kupwara 1 0 Muslim militants from Pakistan shoot an Indian border guard to death.
2013.05.18 Syria Damascus 3 5 Terrorists detonate a car bomb near a school, killing three people.
2013.05.18 Iraq Garma 4 0 al-Qaeda gunmen take down four Iraqis.
2013.05.18 Iraq Basra 1 0 A Shia cleric is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.05.18 Iraq Latifiya 5 10 Jihad car bombers take out ten Iraqis.
2013.05.18 Afghanistan Bakwa 4 0 Taliban militants murder four Afghan soldiers with a bomb.
2013.05.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 4 One person bleeds to death after Muslim ‘separatists’ bomb a
2013.05.18 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Mujahideen enter a home and slaughter five family members, including two children
ages 8 and 10.
2013.05.18 Afghanistan Khak-e-Safid 1 0 A local policeman is gunned down in his driveway by Sunni
2013.05.17 Iraq Baghdad 22 57 al-Qaeda bombers take down two dozen Iraqis with three bombs.
2013.05.17 Pakistan Mianwali 2 0 A faith healer and his wife are brutally murdered in their home
by suspected fundamentalists.
2013.05.17 Pakistan Baz Darrah 21 120 Twenty-one worshippers at two mosques are sent straight to Allah
by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.05.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 9 70 Islamic hardliners bomb a family restaurant, killing nine
2013.05.17 Egypt Alexandria 1 3 A Copt is killed during an assault by a Muslim bomb on a church.
2013.05.17 Iraq Madain 8 25 Eight mourners at a funeral are disassembled by sectarian bombers.
2013.05.17 Iraq Fallujah 2 8 Terrorists bomb a coffee shop, killing two patrons.
2013.05.17 Yemen Mukalla 1 0 A security officer is assassinated by al-Qaeda gunmen on a motorcycle.
2013.05.17 Iraq Baqubah 43 57 A double bomb attack on a Sunni mosque leaves over forty worshippers dead.
2013.05.16 Afghanistan Kabul 15 40 A dedicated Sunni blows himself up in a city street, exterminating
fifteen souls, including two children
2013.05.16 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Two truck drivers are shot to death by Muslim extremists.
2013.05.16 Iraq Kirkuk 12 18 A dozen people are torn to shreds when a suicide bomber self-detonates at a Shia
2013.05.16 Pakistan Mingora 2 1 A child activist and a peace committee member are shot by the Taliban in
targeted attacks.
2013.05.16 Pakistan Matani 5 6 Religious extremists open fire a convoy of local combat engineers,
killing five.
2013.05.16 Somalia Gof Gadud 5 10 An al-Shabaab ambush leaves five dead.
2013.05.16 Iraq Sadr City 9 16 A 7-year-old child is among nine killed when Sunnis bomb a bus stop in a
Shia neighborhood.
2013.05.16 Iraq Kamaliya 3 14 Three civilians are laid out by a Mujahideen car bomb at a taxi stand.
2013.05.15 Iraq Baghdad 14 68 At least five al-Qaeda bombs targeting Shiites leave a dozen dead and many more
in agony.
2013.05.15 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Religion of Peace activists shoot a pastor to death in his home in front
of his daughter.
2013.05.15 Iraq Kirkuk 12 23 Two Jihad car bombings leave a dozen Iraqis dead.
2013.05.15 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A suicide bomber kills two Iraqis.
2013.05.15 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 0 Two brothers are taken from their home and slain execution style by al-
2013.05.15 Iraq Sadr City 7 33 Sunnis set off three car bombs in Shia neighborhoods, leaving seven dead.
2013.05.15 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim ‘insurgents’ shoot a 50-year-old villager to death.
2013.05.15 Iraq Kadhimiya 2 9 Two people are taken out by Jihad car bombers.
2013.05.14 Iraq Mosul 1 14 A child is taken out by Mujahid car bombers.
2013.05.14 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 al-Qaeda militants shoot two brothers to death.
2013.05.14 Syria Deir al-Zor 11 0 al-Nusra Islamists summarily execute eleven captives on video while
praising Allah.
2013.05.14 Iraq Baghdad 12 0 Fundamentalists execute a dozen people at a series of shops selling alcohol.
2013.05.14 Afghanistan Garmsir 3 7 Children are among the casualties when Sunni radicals set off a
motorcycle bomb at a market.
2013.05.14 Syria Raqqa 3 0 Video surfaces of the cold-blooded execution of three captives by al-Nusra
2013.05.13 Pakistan Bara 1 8 Taliban militants take out a child with a rocket.
2013.05.13 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Three Georgian soldiers are killed when a suicide truck bomber plows into
their base.
2013.05.13 Libya Benghazi 15 41 Islamists are thought responsible for a car bomb blast at a hospital that
leaves over a dozen dead, including two children.
2013.05.13 Afghanistan Arghistan 10 12 Women and children are among ten civilians ripped to shreds by a
bomb planted by religious radicals.
2013.05.13 Iraq Ramadi 3 7 A Holy Warrior detonates a suicide vest, killing three Iraqis.
2013.05.12 Pakistan Muslim Colony 1 0 A 19-year-old woman is strangled by her conservative family for
getting pregnant.
2013.05.12 Pakistan Quetta 8 97 A child is among eight people blown to bits by a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi
suicide car bomber.
2013.05.12 Iraq Basra 1 0 Religion of Peace rivals gun down a cleric outside his mosque.
2013.05.12 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five suspected al-Qaeda victims are handcuffed and shot in the back of the head.
2013.05.12 Iraq Mishahada 3 0 Mujahideen murder three men walking by the side of the road.
2013.05.12 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Terrorists shoot four women to death in their own home.
2013.05.11 Afghanistan Nuristan 1 0 A man is murdered in his own home by the Taliban.
2013.05.11 Kenya Mandera 2 4 Islamists throw a grenade at a group of Kenyans and then shoot them in the head.
2013.05.11 Pakistan Panj Khata 1 35 A 10-year-old boy is taken out by a bomb planted by Sunni
2013.05.11 Iraq Shurqat 3 19 Three people are incinerated by a suicide truck bomber.
2013.05.11 Iraq Nineveh 3 21 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two women and a child.
2013.05.11 Pakistan Manghopir 2 3 A suicide bomber sends two souls to Allah.
2013.05.11 Pakistan Peshawar 1 10 A bomb outside a polling station leaves one dead.
2013.05.11 Pakistan Karachi 11 40 Children are among the casualties when Islamists set off a bomb blast
targeting voters.
2013.05.10 Pakistan Miranshah 4 21 Religious fanatics take out four locals with a bomb blast at a market.
2013.05.10 Pakistan Kurram 3 0 The Taliban gun down three security personnel.
2013.05.10 India Pulwama 1 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen gun down a police officer.
2013.05.10 India Rajpora 1 0 A farmer is murdered inside his home by Muslim militants.
2013.05.10 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhagvi kidnap and murder a Shiite civilian.
2013.05.10 India Lassipora 1 0 An imam is shot to death outside his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.05.10 Iraq al-Dhera 1 5 A 2-year-old child is pulled into pieces by Mujahid bombers.
2013.05.10 Iraq Mahaweel 3 7 Religion of Peace rivals bomb a mosque, killing three worshippers.
2013.05.09 Pakistan Multan 1 8 Fundamentalists are suspected of opening fire on a political rally,
killing one.
2013.05.09 Yemen Lahij 1 0 al-Qaeda gunmen take down a local traffic cop.
2013.05.09 Egypt Cairo 0 1 An American professor is stabbed five times by a well-educated terrorist.
2013.05.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen murder a 35-year-old Shiite.
2013.05.09 Iraq Hawija 1 11 al-Qaeda bombers take out an Iraqi child.
2013.05.09 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 Terrorists kill three university students with a bomb placed on a bus.
2013.05.09 Pakistan Torghar 6 10 A half-dozen people are disassembled by Islamic bombers.
2013.05.08 Iraq Salaheddin 1 1 A suicide bomber manages to kill one other person.
2013.05.08 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A 45-year-old woman is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2013.05.08 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 0 At least three drivers are killed by Taliban gunmen at a protest.
2013.05.08 Iraq Fallujah 3 2 al-Qaeda gunmen open fire on police officers at a checkpoint, killing
2013.05.08 Iraq Mosul 1 4 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills a civilian.
2013.05.08 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 3 Religion of Peace rivals set off an IED at a mosque that leaves two dead,
including the imam.
2013.05.08 Pakistan Bannu 2 23 A woman is among two people blown away by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.05.08 Pakistan Hangu 2 18 Women and children are among the casualties when Islamic militants set
off a bomb at a market.
2013.05.08 Yemen Lahij 3 0 Three men in a car are wasted by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2013.05.08 Iraq Kirkuk 2 49 Two suicide bombers take down two Iraqis and injure about fifty others.
2013.05.07 Nigeria Bale 1 0 Boko Haram murder a man in front of his wives and children.
2013.05.07 France Roussillon 0 1 A Muslim who had recently returned from the Haj shouts ‘Allah Akbar’ and
stabs a police officer at random.
2013.05.07 Pakistan Hangu 12 35 At least a dozen people are obliterate when a Fedayeen suicide bomber
detonates at an election rally.
2013.05.07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Militant Muslims shoot a clerk to death at a restaurant.
2013.05.07 Pakistan Korangi 2 0 Two activists of a secular-leaning party are assassinated by religious
2013.05.07 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 1 Taliban bombers send four Afghan cops to Allah.
2013.05.07 Algeria Keddara 2 0 Two guards at a quarry are murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.
2013.05.07 Pakistan Lower Dir 5 0 Five people are killed in a Taliban attack on a secular party official.
2013.05.07 Nigeria Bama 14 0 Boko Haram attack a prison housing Islamist prisoners, killing fourteen guards.
2013.05.07 Nigeria Bama 26 0 Twenty-six people, including three children, are burnt alive as Islamists set fire to a police barracks.
2013.05.06 Iraq Baghdad 7 26 Jihadi car bombers take out seven Iraqis near a restaurant.
2013.05.06 Syria al-Quasair 20 0 Hezbollah is accused of butchering twenty people, mostly women and children, with knives.
2013.05.06 Bangladesh Motijheel 1 0 A policeman is hacked to death by Islamists chanting ‘death to those who insult Allah’.
2013.05.06 Bangladesh Kanchpur 4 0 Four security officials are beaten to death by anti-blasphemy
2013.05.06 Iraq Baghdad 6 13 Mujahideen roll grenades into a rival mosque, sending at least six worshippers straight to Allah.
2013.05.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim militants gun down a 62-year-old man on his way home from work.
2013.05.06 Pakistan Peshawar 25 64 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at an election rally,
slaughtering over two dozen innocents.
2013.05.06 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Two bombings, one by a Shahid, leave five Iraqis dead.
2013.05.06 Philippines Basilan 2 0 An Abu Sayyaf ambush leaves two dead.
2013.05.05 Pakistan Sibi 4 7 The Tehrik-i-Taliban is suspected of attacking the convoy of a secular
political candidate, killing four.
2013.05.05 Iraq Baghdad 1 6 Muslims set off a bomb at a rival mosque, killing a passerby.
2013.05.05 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 0 Mujahideen invade a home and shoot a man and his son to death.
2013.05.05 Nigeria Njilan 10 0 Islamic extremists stage a Sunday morning attack on a church and a nearby cattle
market, killing at least ten.
2013.05.05 Iraq Jamiyah 3 13 Three patrons are killed by a Fundamentalist bomb at an Internet cafe.
2013.05.05 Pakistan Orangi 5 0 A 9-year-old girl and three women are among five shot to death during an
honor killing at a brothel.
2013.05.05 Afghanistan Korghan 4 5 Sunni hardliners dismantle four civilians with a roadside bomb.
2013.05.05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 3 Two Thais are killed by a Muslim ‘separatist’ bomb.
2013.05.05 Bangladesh Dhaka 4 24 At least four civilians are killed by a Hefajat-e-Islam ‘siege’.
2013.05.05 Somalia Buulo Sheekh 2 0 A 95-year-old man and his grandson are murdered in their home by al-
Shabaab activists.
2013.05.05 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 Four fundamentalists shoot a bartender to death for serving alcohol.
2013.05.05 Somalia Mogadishu 11 20 Eleven people are ripped to pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.05.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 59-year-old truck driver is murdered by Muslim militants.
2013.05.04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim terrorists shoot a 50-year-old civilian twice in the head.
2013.05.04 Pakistan Karachi 3 40 Children are among the casualties when Religion of Peace activists blow
up a secular-leaning party office.
2013.05.04 Afghanistan Farah 2 0 Two American trainers are murdered by a Taliban in uniform.
2013.05.04 Nigeria Ngamdu 4 0 Religion of Peace activists tie up four villagers and cut their throats.
2013.05.04 Mali Gao 2 4 Two local soldiers are taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
Go here for a list of Muslim caused violence in 2012.
Link to the site that keeps track of Islamic activity here: The Religion of Peace.
My uninformed friend thinks the Internet is unreliable. So, go ask the Boston Bombing victims whose legs are blown off, who did it. Was it Muslims or Christians?
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