In March 2010, a video surfaced of Imam Abdullah Faarooq, from the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC), calling on Muslims to support Aafia Siddiqui, a known Al-Qaeda operative sentenced to 86 years in prison for her role in attempted murder on U.S. officers and employees in Afghanistan. At the same time Imam Faarooq exhorted the worshippers, “You must grab on to this rope, grab on to the typewriter, grab on to the shovel, grab on to the gun and the sword, don’t be afraid to step out into this world and do your job.”
The ISBCC is the sister mosque of the Islamic Society of Boston mosque where Boston bombers Tsarnaev attended. “What both mosques have in common is an affiliation with the Muslim American Society, an organization founded in 1993 that describes itself as an American Islamic revival movement. It has also been described by federal prosecutors in court as the ‘overt arm’ of the Muslim Brotherhood, which calls for Islamic law and is the parent organization of Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist group.” (
Despite an earlier “cozy” relationship with Imam Suhaib Webb, Massachusett’s Governor Deval recently disinvited Imam Webb from the interfaith service held after the Boston Marathon bombing.
If only Governor Haslam could also understand the ramifications of having elevated the political status of Islamists in Tennessee when he sanctioned the partnership between the state and the TN American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC).
AMAC recently convened a forum in Manchester, Tennessee to educate the public about American Muslims and invited U.S. Attorney Bill Killian and FBI agent Kenneth Moore to remind the public that the victimized and besieged Islamist minority living in Tennessee have rights also.
So what do Governor Haslam, Bill Gibbons (TN Commissioner of Safety and Homeland Security), Bill Killian, his boss Tom Perez, and Kenneth Moore (FBI) all have in common? They are all united in an effort to ensure that Tennesseans respect Islamic political demands even if it means that fundamental American Constitutional freedoms are eroded in the process.
Tennessee seems to have a “special” relationship with the DOJ and its attorneys. In November 2012, Tom Perez, head of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice spoke at the grand opening of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro. Perez was an ideal choice of speaker since he also reflects the alliances in Tennessee between the Latino and Islamist communities. Both the American Center for Outreach (ACO) and AMAC house their Nashville offices in the new Conexcion Americas building.
Whether it is Perez’s advocacy for illegal aliens, his position as a trustee for the Soros-funded Center for American Progress, his selective enforcement of civil rights or his passion for Islamists peddling victimhood, it lays a path of destruction for this country.
Just witness Perez’s Islamist-influenced approach to First Amendment free speech. In August 2012, Rep. Trent Franks (R-Arizona), a member of the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, asked Perez: "Will you tell us here today that this Administration's Department of Justice will never entertain or advance a proposal that criminalizes speech against any religion?" Perez refused to answer, four separate times.
Following his boss’ marching orders to warn Tennesseans that the federal government is there to protect the Islamist agenda, Tennessee U.S. Attorney Bill Killian recently suggested that he’d use federal civil rights laws to stop legally permissible hate speech directed at Muslims. It was not until the day after the AMAC event in Manchester, TN, that Killian disclosed how he planned to promote politically correct speech while suppressing First Amendment rights: “Hateful statements directed at another will be used as evidence in a hate crime,… Our district has a 96 percent conviction rate…and we’ve never had a conviction overturned for violation of First Amendment.” He goes on to give this hypothetical:
"Imagine if you and I were planning to vandalize a mosque and we conspired over Facebook. We set a time to meet at that mosque through Facebook chat. Those statements would be used as evidence in prosecuting a conspiracy to commit a hate crime. By no means are we prosecuting anyone in violation of the First Amendment."
But what if neither of you show up to vandalize the mosque because you changed your mind but someone who is friended to you on facebook does? According to Killian’s powerpoint presentation in Manchester, you can still be prosecuted for the conspiracy because your “hate speech” is all that is needed to prove the crime.
So his warning to everyone is that despite being legally protected by the First Amendment, the federal government will punish hate speech. Where better for Perez to demonstrate the power of the federal government than in Tennessee?
My question for Mr. Perez is whether he has dispatched his Massachusetts U.S. Attorney to give the same cautionary talk to Imam Faarooq and his congregation. After all, Mr. Killian reminded the Manchester crowd that Mr. Perez said, that “today’s bullies are tomorrow’s civil rights defendants.”
I’d also suggest they both read “Incitement in the Mosques: Testing the Limits of Free Speech and Religious Liberty”.
President Obama has nominated Perez for Secretary of Labor so he can do for Labor what he has done for Civil Rights.
Even though Senator Lamar Alexander opposed Perez’s nomination at the committee level it passed out of committee along party lines. It will now go to the Senate floor for a vote. Perez is a political appointee; he can and hopefully will at a future date, be replaced.
Tell BOTH Tennessee Senators to vote “NO” on Perez.
Senator Lamar Alexander Senator Bob Corker
You might also want to ask Governor Haslam and Commissioner Gibbons whether they plan to continue to promote the TN American Muslim Advisory Council as partners with our state government?
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