Friday, July 19, 2013

Are the Pressures of Failure and Fear of Imprisonment Driving Obama


Obama-worshippers: Sign Petition For Obama To Repeal Bill of Rights

Are the Pressures of Failure and Fear of Imprisonment Forcing Obama to Take Over Our Country?

By Jerry McConnell (Bio and Archives) Thursday, July 18, 2013

We’ve had some bad presidents over the nearly two and one half centuries of our existence, but never as bad and more troubled as we have seen and continue to see from the likes of Barack Hussein Obama. This plant, quite unexpectedly, came on to our scene with absolutely NO proven background, and no positive credentials of any national significance. His administration since taking over the role of President in a Usurper status, has been the most administratively faulty and scandal plagued, foolish and perilously reckless and profligately doling out our taxpayers’ money in a bankrupting manner outright to openly declared enemies whom he has befriended.

Among these recipients of his grandstanding and our sorrow are the Islamic terrorists, corrupt anti-American United Nations members, as well as to personal friends and family. All this and more while our national debt numbers keep skyrocketing into never before heard of brackets that would embarrass a collective group of ultra rich oil barons.

Sadly for the United States, he is having much fun doing it spending obscene amounts of taxpayer dollars and fueling higher national debt numbers and as reported, he curses revered honorable events such as Independence Day because he could have been playing golf instead. He is making a mockery of our government and thumbing his nose at the very people WHO PAY THE GREATEST BULK OF TAXES FOR OUR GOVERNMENT.

There is no question that he is accomplishing the assassination and demise or our once great nation (circa BO; Before Obama). He is on a mission of national destruction that was neither programmed nor spoken of prior to his ascendency to the power of the presidency, under false pretenses of legal citizenship, ever attempting to hand over our sovereignty to the corrupt and greedy United Nations through personally concocted treaties unwanted by the public.

There is also not much question that he and his personal staff of czars and cabinet members are all working tirelessly to find more and more ways to totally destroy our beloved Constitution, proclaimed all over the world as the best and longest lasting legal document of all similar essays of all the countries in the world. His most recent attack on our staff of support and bible of laws came ironically during this month of birth of our independence from tyranny just as he is now exhibiting.

In the Freedom Outpost on July 11, 2013, Dean Garrison authored “US Citizens Sign Petition For Obama To Repeal Bill of Rights”. Can you believe it, the fundamental underpinnings of the initial rights of our country’s constitution for the people, including freedom of speech and religion, freedom to bear arms, and actually all of the freedoms that we as American enjoy in our daily lives?

Garrison spoke of “a bunch of apathetic Obama-worshippers who probably don’t know what the Bill of Rights is. Make no mistake my friends. If Obama could have 300 million people in America with this mentality he would. This is exactly how really bad people gain power. If you gain control of enough “useful idiots” then you have a power base that is tough to overcome.”

The author cites this quote from one of, if not the most flagrant tyrants in the history of the world, Germany’s Adolph Hitler; this domineering, slick-talking murderer said, “How lucky for those in power, that people don’t think.”

How lucky indeed. To think that after all the egregious mistakes and scandalous events in just Obama’s first half year of his second term, let alone the many scary things from his first term in total, his lemmings, or those so densely imbued with his karma and charisma, and trickery and deceit as to be deaf, dumb and blind to keep his approval record in these, his worst days, still at or near the fifty percent mark. No wonder the man is going for broke and wants the high levels of the United Nations to enshrine him at the head of the entire world.

Then, as if the scandals in Obama’s Departments of the Executive Branch, IRS, NSA, and State, to mention just a few, Obama was not content to quit while his favorable numbers had only slipped a few slots below the 50 percent mark, he decided in his addelpated brain to once again thumb his nose at the taxpayers of the country who support the mining of coal.

in the words of Suzanne Hamner of Freedom Outpost and the Daily Caller, “Obama Will Use $8 Billion Of Taxpayer’s Money To Wage War On Coal, Leaving Thousands Unemployed” online July 10, 2013. In addition to adding MORE unnecessary and unneeded billions to our lofty and unparalleled national debt, his vendetta against 280 coal-fired generating plants could cost the jobs of thousands of the employees at those plants.

Hey, you Obama voters, how’s all that mountainous national debt and the loss of thousands more jobs sitting with you now?


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