Is Trayvon Sparking a Communist Revolution?
Are you puzzled by the over-reaction and civil unrest over the George Zimmerman trial? Consider this: Communist front groups are throwing everything they have at fomenting and continuing the protests for their own agenda. Many of these groups have no tangible interest in the Trayvon Martin case per se, but are instead promoting the violent overthrow of the United States in the name of communism. Who are they? Just read the signs displayed in hundreds of pictures on the Internet of the protests themselves! Of course, Martin had nothing to do with this posthumous movement, but the question must be asked, "Is Trayvon sparking a communist revolution?" The protest pictures themselves offer a compelling answer.
The International Action Center
According to the About page of their website, "Ultimately it is our goal to work towards the liberation and freedom of all peoples living in the U.S. and around the world. IAC defines itself as an 'anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist' organization."
IA Center was founded in 1992 by ultra-leftist activist and attorney Ramsey Clark, who defended controversial controversial figures such as Slobodan Milošević, Saddam Hussein, and Lyndon LaRouche.
Party for Socialism and Liberation
PSL is a hard-core Marxist/communist front organization, and doesn't hide its sentiments: "The Party for Socialism and Liberation considers the defense of revolutionary Cuba one of the principal responsibilities of socialists in the United States. Since its 1959 revolution, Cuba has provided the world with a stirring example of what a people can accomplish once the working class seizes political power from the tiny minority of capitalists." In the same manner, PSL states its goals for the U.S.: "The aim of the PSL is to abolish the corrupt, rotten and anti-people capitalist economy, state and governmental system, and replace it with one dedicated to meeting the needs of the people — a socialist system."
Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
According to their web site, "Making revolution against a powerful and vicious enemy—and going on from there to bring into being a whole new world, without exploitation and oppression — is an incredibly challenging and complex process… The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA has taken on the responsibility to lead revolution in the U.S., the belly of the imperialist beast, as its principal share of the world revolution and the ultimate aim of communism." [emphasis added]
Socialist Worker
According to Socialist Worker's "Where we stand" page,
"We actively support the struggle of workers and all oppressed people for economic, political and social reforms, both as a means to improve their conditions and to advance their confidence and fighting strength. But reforms within the capitalist system cannot put an end to oppression, exploitation or ecological devastation. Capitalism must be replaced.
"The structures of the present government grew up under capitalism and are designed to protect capitalist rule. The working class needs an entirely different kind of state – a democratic workers' state based on councils of workers' delegates.
"We do not support candidates of capitalist parties like the Democrats or the Republicans. We support genuine left-wing candidates and political action that promotes independence from the corporate-dominated two-party system in the U.S."
Worker's World
This organization is one of the oldest pro-Marxist organizations in the U.S. It's web site states, "Workers World Party is a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist party that develops militant organizers in every struggle, from anti-racist and immigrant rights to labor, anti-war and anti-imperialist struggles. Since 1959 we have been saying, 'Build a Workers World!'… We were among the biggest supporters of the Black Panther Party… The struggle against the capitalist 1% is a global struggle. The workers in the U.S. have no 'independent destiny.' Their fate is inevitably bound up with the 99% of the rest of humanity. The founders of Workers World Party called it a 'global class war' back in 1959, and since then, this reality has only become more obvious with advances in technology like the Web and social media…WWP promotes international working-class solidarity, the right of every nation to sovereignty and self-determination, and militant resistance at home to imperialist interventions and wars."
What's going on here?
These groups and others like them are always looking for a good mob that they can infiltrate and further infuriate, and this is certainly the case here. The top down orchestration appears to be much broader, however, with reporting and misreporting in the media and statements from Administration officials implying that justice was not served in the Zimmerman trial, even though he was unanimously acquitted of both 2nd degree murder and manslaughter.
Where are the FBI, Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security during these protests? Are any of these groups being investigated for sedition? According to Merriam Webster, sedition is a…
"Crime of creating a revolt, disturbance, or violence against lawful civil authority with the intent to cause its overthrow or destruction. Because it is limited to organizing and encouraging opposition to government rather than directly participating in its overthrow, sedition is regarded as falling one step short of the more serious crime of treason. In the U.S. the display of a certain flag or the advocacy of a particular movement, such as syndicalism, anarchism, or communism, has periodically been declared seditious."
The concept of Free Speech is central to the U.S. Constitution, except when a crime is committed in the exercise thereof. Marxist/communist revolutionaries who want to summarily destroy America have no right to hide behind the Constitution they would burn.
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