Dear M., The problem of Muslim paedophile grooming gangs is well known in Britain.
In Muslim grooming hotspots, such as Bradford, Luton, East London, Birmingham, and many more, groups of Muslim men lure young English girls (some as young as 12) with cash, alcohol, drugs, meals and mobile phone credit and coerce them into a nightmare world of sexual exploitation. Grooming is happening right NOW in towns and cities across Britain. Girls are being exploited right NOW in your town, or a town near you. This problem could one day catch up with your one is safe from this evil, and it will only get worse!
Imagine if your young daughter was being abused and groomed for sexual exploitation by a Muslim would YOU feel? Enough of whinging and moaning, the question is: What are we going to do about it? Send a donation to our new anti-Muslim grooming campaign, today. BRITAIN FIRST LAUNCHES NEW CAMPAIGN Here is our answer M.: Britain First has launched a new direct action campaign against the scourge of Muslim paedophile grooming gangs, starting in the town of Blackburn. Yesterday, several teams of Britain First activists visited hotels, guest houses, taxi firms, off licences, mosques and finally the Mayor of Blackburn's private residence to pile on the pressure in the town.
This campaign has officially been launched in Blackburn, but it will soon visit various other towns in the North West and Yorkshire. Send a donation to our new anti-Muslim grooming campaign, today. The whole concept is that if we can make hotel owners and off licence traders etc. think twice about providing goods to Muslim men who appear to fit the bill of your average groomers, then it narrows the field for Muslim paedophile gangs. BLACKBURN IS ONLY THE START.... If we sustain the campaign long enough and visit enough towns, then it will dent the problem of Muslim grooming gangs operating freely.
We were all surprised by the positive reception we received from staff and proprietors of hotels, off licences, taxi firms etc, and several pledge to brief their staff and to keep their eyes peeled to help tackle this terrible problem. Send a donation to our new anti-Muslim grooming campaign, today. We also visited the various mega mosques in the area (pictured right, third down) to deliver literature and to speak to the imams, who were, as expected, hostile to our enquiries, but, nevertheless, our activists did enter these mosques without regard for consequence - the fate of grooming victims is more important than our personal safety. The Mayor of Blackburn also received a personal visit (pictured right, second down), although he wasn't actually in - we simply posted the literature for our campaign through his letterbox. Our activists distributed hundreds of our "Muslim Grooming: Britain's Secret Shame"brochures and leaflets. Send a donation to our new anti-Muslim grooming campaign, today. Please watch the video of the day of action below: 
If the image above doesn't load, please click on the following link: M., please click below to make an urgent donation to our anti-grooming campaign: Yours sincerely Paul Golding Chairman, Britain First 
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