Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Western Civilization is Superior to Islamic Civilization



I’ll Say It: Western Civilization is Superior to Islamic Civilization


By Pete Parker / 13 May 2013 / 139 Comments

Allow me to state (with pinpoint accuracy) what leaders in the West just don’t have the man-fruit to admit: That Western Civilization is far superior to Islamic Civilization.

Ever since 9/11, Western leaders have labored tirelessly to pay homage to Islam and its “revered” culture. From calling it the religion of “peace” and “tolerance” to purporting that it played a “vital” role in the nascent stages of western development – this gaggle of craven politicos have never stopped genuflecting at the altar of Islam and its pedophilic Prophet.

Some of these leaders have even proffered the absurd and feckless notion that westerners should “strive” to become more like those in the Muslim communities that pepper the UK and other parts of Europe. You know, the communities that enforce Sharia law and have declared their neighborhoods “Islamic territory” and therefore off-limits to all “pigs” and “infidels.”

Of course, the failure to admit western superiority is profoundly rooted in a progressive liberal ethos. An ethos which dictates that all cultures and civilizations are equal regardless of their vast and sundry differences.

After all, the liberal ethos teaches that Islam (with its highly anti-Semitic and misogynistic propensities) is just as viable and humane as any culture founded on the Judeo-Christian philosophy that “all men are created equal.”

Although, one is left to wonder if such an ethos exists because the majority of Islam’s adherents are non-whites?

Remember: people of color have long been designated a protected class by Western leaders and their left-wing dogmatists.

Barrack Obama – while addressing the UN assembly in 2012 – ardently stated the following: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet Mohammed.”

This statement becomes highly problematic when one considers that any critical analysis of Islam (or its prophet) is considered “slander” by Obama and his posse of western bootlickers.

Western Civilization – with its world-leading accomplishments in the fields of science, medicine and technology (not to mention the rule of law and human rights) stands as a resilient and much honored paradigm.

By comparison, Islamic Civilization – with its suicide-bombers, Koran-toting jihadists, mass beheadings, genital mutilations and “Allah Akbar” shouting, homicidal maniacs – stands as a vile and frightening example of what happens when people follow a twisted doctrine.

But, sadly (despite the obvious) – western leaders will never claim superiority over a civilization that is one step below a cesspool.


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