.From: "Larry Bailey, Captain (SEAL), USN (Retired)" <SOS@politicalmediagroup.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 11:01:07 PM
Subject: Benghazi Report: Massive Cover Up
Dear Fellow Americans: On Tuesday night, the State Department finally published a report on what their so-called Accountability Review Board has determined happened in Libya, and according to them, two things are certain: There was massive leadership failure, and not a single person should be held responsible. You heard that right. Despite isolating 24 distinct and major recommendations for how the State Department could’ve avoided this travesty, apparently they “did not find reasonable cause to determine that any individual U.S. government employee breached his or her duty.” Really? SIGN THE PETITION TO DEMAND AN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION Let’s list just a few of ways that State Department officials did “breach their duty.” • First and most outrageously, U.S. officials actually lost the Ambassador for several hours – and only found him because an Arabic-speaking man called the consulate from the Ambassador’s cell phone. • There were “systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels [leaving Benghazi security] grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place.” • The security staff was “inexperienced… short-term… and inadequate.” • The Consulate in Benghazi “was not a high priority for Washington when it came to security-related requests, especially those relating to staffing.” • Despite evidence of growing unrest and increased terrorist threat and the fact it was the anniversary of 9/11, the attacks were “were unanticipated in their scale and intensity.” • As we suspected, an unmanned drone was dispatched and at the scene at the time, meaning top officials had visual feed of the attack – leaving no question that they willfully misled the American people by attributing this to a protest. In what world could anyone consider these points within the bounds of the State Department’s duty to the people of the United States? Is basic competence not a requirement for being a senior official at the State Department? Is ignoring a growing and present terrorist threat something that gets a “meets expectations” on their yearly reviews? Is intentionally lying to the very public that they are supposed to serve all in a day’s work for Hillary Clinton and her top-tier cronies?
The State Department can pretend that this “independent board” has cleared them of malfeasance, but no reasonable person could call this massive incompetence even remotely acceptable. We’re glad that after months of putting serious pressure on the Obama Administration we’re finally starting to see some answers – answers that confirm many of our suspicions, and allude to the confirmation of others. That said, this report is the bureaucratic version of a curved test grade; by their assessment, because the entire system failed, no one is individually responsible. It’s time for the obfuscation and the smoke screens to end. We have to keep up the pressure so that whoever caused this internal breakdown is held accountable. We can’t accept the insider political protectionism that Hillary Clinton is pushing. She “accepts their recommendations” but clearly has no intentions of removing those officials who caused her department’s systemic failure – or of accepting any culpability for it herself. We must demand that these utterly incompetent senior officials be identified and punished to the highest possible extent. SIGN THE PETITION TO DEMAND AN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION Our men and women abroad are losing their lives because of the Obama Administration’s leadership failure. Their families, their fellow armed forces, and the American people deserve real answers, and real changes in this Administration. And we won’t stop until they get it. Sincerely,
Larry Bailey P.S. We’ve been pushing our resources to the limit to hold the Obama Administration’s feet to the fire and rally the America people together to find the truth. If we’re going to finally mount an attack powerful enough to take them down, it’s going to require people across this country working together to surmount their liberal machine. Thousands of patriots have already stepped up and given generously to get the message out. Will you join them? Your donation of just $5, $10, $25, or $50 will make a huge difference, letting us reach thousands more patriots just like you. Please give whatever you’re able today. If you prefer to donate by check: Special Operations Speaks PAC
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