December 14, 2012 Randy Thomasson available for TV from Skype studio
Sacramento, California -- In response to today's mass murder at a public school in Newtown, Connecticut, Randy Thomasson, president of, a leading family issues organization promoting moral virtues for the common good, issued the following statement:
"Our hearts go out to the victims and their families. This is deeply disturbing and should stir great anger in all of us. Why were 26 people murdered today, most of them children? The main motive for murder is always sin. The Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, whose birthday we celebrate at Christmas, identified murder as a sin that proceeds from the heart. (See Mark 7:21-23)
"More than asking why this evil happened, we need to work diligently to prevent it. The innocents killed at Newtown are double the number of Columbine victims in 1999. We should be all the more grieved and all the more resolved to stop murders before they start. The answer is teaching the fear of God and love for God in schools and throughout society. Because mass murder is another example of societal degradation, a deadly consequence of promoting murderous abortions, godless evolution, and gratuitous violence. How opposite of teaching children that all people are worthy because they were created by God, that all innocent human beings deserve protection because they're made in God's image, and that every person is accountable to God when He judges the world.
"Every school official should be armed and trained to repel these attacks upon schoolchildren. And every parent and every media industry decision maker should absolutely prohibit children from enjoying scenes that glorify violence and desensitize them to the taking of innocent human life."
-- end -- is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.
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