Monday, September 24, 2012

Speak out on Never Again Day-September 27th

Let's hope that it triggers more rallies for Thursday. After all, President Obama thinks that Israel's concern about Iran's nuclear bomb project is just Middle East "noise".  Yeah, sure. Just like the murderous fiasco in Libya. Blame it on an amateurish You Tube video about Mohammed the exemplar.  We saw the 'noise' last Friday with the latest Sinai attack on IDF positions that caused to one killed and another wounded and three Islamist terrorists killed. And what is Mohammed Morsi, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood President doing  during his NYTimes interview is talking up US weakness while not responding to the near takeover of the US Embassy in Cairo or addressing the rising al Qaeda threat in the Sinai and preparing to formally end the 1979 Camp David Accords with Israel. Supporting an Arab supremacist state in a post Assad Syria by isolating Kurds and other minority with the support of Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and letting al Qaeda in Iraq enter the bloody civil war next door in Syria. And what has Obama done to foster regime change in Iran. Talkng with the irrational Mullahs while they repress Iranian freedom and liberty. Yeah, lots of 'noise'.  Well let's make some 'noise' about the lacvk of 'red lines' on Thursday here in the US in New York, Pensacola, Boca, Nashville and out in California.

Have a great rally on Thursday whereever who live. 

Jerry Gordon

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