Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Medical Malpractice Deaths Nine Times Higher Than Gun Homicides – Let’s End the AMA

Medical Malpractice Deaths Nine Times Higher Than Gun Homicides – Let’s End the AMA

I admit that I’m worked up over the advance by the liberals in our country who are out to repeal the Second Amendment, calling for weapons bans, the murder of the National Rifle Association’s president and its members. As a result, I want to turn the table on them a bit. Because medical malpractice causes far more deaths each year than guns do, I’d like to demand that we shut down the American Medical Association (AMA.)

Understand, I am merely making this argument tongue in cheek, but listen to the facts.

Justice.org reports,

The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) seminal study of preventable medical errors estimated as many as 98,000 people die every year at a cost of $29 billion. If the Centers for Disease Control were to include preventable medical errors as a category, these conclusions would make it the sixth leading cause of death in America.

Further research has confirmed the extent of medical errors. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found that there were 181,000 severe injuries attributable to medical negligence in 2003. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement estimates there are 15 million incidents of medical harm each year. HealthGrades, the nation’s leading healthcare rating organization, found that Medicare patients who experienced a patient-safety incident had a one-in-five chance of dying as a result.

In the decade since the IOM first shined a light on the dismal state of patient safety in American hospitals, many proposals for improvement have been discussed and implemented. But recent research indicates that there is still much that needs to be done. Researchers at the Harvard School of Medicine have found that even today, about 18 percent of patients in hospitals are injured during the course of their care and that many of those injuries are life-threatening, or even fatal. The Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found that one in seven Medicare patients are injured during hospital stays and that adverse events during the course of care contribute to the deaths of 180,000 patients every year.

This is an outrage! I can’t believe the liberals are not calling for a complete end to the practice of medicine completely with 98,000 people dying each year from basically medical malpractice. Why is something not being advanced by the federal government? Oh wait, there is. It’s called Obamacare, or we know it as “more government.” Inevitably this will not lead to less malpractice or deaths. I’m betting long term it will lead to greater numbers of both.

Now, compare the numbers of medical malpractice and the deaths associated with it to those of guns used in homicides.

According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention in a 2009 report it was discovered that 11,493 people died in the United States as a result of being shot with a firearm.

There’s almost nine times the number of people dying in this country from medical malpractice and the answer we have to that is to put big, ineffective, inefficient government behind more legislation, more control and more funding, but when it comes to guns, well, we can’t have people with scary looking weapons in their possession. We have to create more laws to control them by. In the meantime the liberals never tell anyone that the laws will stop the lawbreakers from obtaining those firearms that they ban. Nor will they tell people that laws do not stop the bullets that comes from the firearms that lawbreakers obtain. People just think that a law is signed and it magically stops bad guys, but it doesn’t quite work that way.

So with these simply statistics, perhaps we should begin petitioning the White House to shut down the AMA since they seem to be responsible for far more deaths than anyone with a gun has been.

By the way, yes you can also call for the closing down of auto manufacturers since people are killed in cars many times over each year. Of course, the scary thing is that if we were to do such a thing in a sarcastic way, the liberals would only get a light bulb to come on in their heads on how they could accomplish it.

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