Friday, March 15, 2013

Another Posting About Moochy, But This One Is S-C-A-R-Y

Another posting about Michelle Obama but this one is S-C-A-R-Y !!

Posted by Richard A. Kubicsek 

Michelle has spending problems with OUR money

We want all first ladies of the United States to be elegant, gracious and a wise good will ambassadors of this country. We think of them as non-political and know that some didn't want the job to begin with. In recent history, the first ladies have done a fairly good job of fulfilling their role as an unpaid good will ambassador with a few exceptions.

Michelle Obama However, this time we didn't get the usual and typical first lady. We got something quite unexpected. We got a first lady, who like her husband, is glad she is in public service because she knows how to spend taxpayer's money.

Officially the White House reports Michelle Obama has a personal staff of 22. That's not White House staff, that is personal staff. Unofficially there is between two and four more staff. We will never know the exact number because the White House refuses to release exact numbers. So much for transparency as promised. No other first lady had a personal staff anywhere near this.

The tax advocate group Judicial Watch is suing the White House under the freedom of information act for disclosure on Michelle Obama's vacation expenses, not staff expenses at this time. We will get to the outrageous vacation expenses in a minute.

Michelle Obama's staff has been called the Million Dollar Staff. Unfortunately, that is not true. Just the direct salaries of the reported staff total more than $1.3 million dollars. Now we have to add in benefits, phones, iPads, computers, offices, travel, office supplies. . .etc. A much more accurate estimate is just over $2 million per year. That's $2 million of your tax dollars despite the fact Michelle Obama has no official duties. 

Now to be fair, the first lady has picked a social problem to champion and bring attention to just like other first ladies. Michelle's is children's nutrition, a worthy cause. She is passionate about the nutrition of your children and has successfully, with Barack's approval, been able to allocated $5 Billion of your tax dollars to combat food deserts. Food deserts are everywhere you go, not everywhere Michelle goes. Lunch at a Hollywood restaurant for her and one friend came to $157.85 with out tip after the appetizers, lobster and drinks. No food desert there. Don't worry; she will continue looking in kids lunch boxes.

How do you so flagrantly spend taxpayer money on yourself when so many Americans are hurting? You do it because you feel entitled, its owed to me and therefore don't care.

You're beginning to see why Michelle Obama made the statement, "For The First Time In My Life I'm Proud of My country" She also doesn't give a rats ass about the flag

Morpheus told Neo in the Matrix "You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

Same thing here folks, if you click the link I will show you how far the rabbit hole goes

 "Sequester....I don't give a damn it's my birthday" !

Posted by Richard A. Kubicsek


It's the People's House and the people I want to visit it are people like Beyonce !!

This week the Obama administration announced that due to the awful, terrible, nasty, horrible sequestration, they would have to shut down the White House tours for the public. The same week, a White House source told the Daily Mail that Michelle Obama was planning a birthday blowout for her 50th. In attendance: Adele and Beyonce.

The White House did say that the Obamas would pay for the party. But that's highly unlikely -- it's supposed to take place at the White House, which requires Secret Service protection, high-class dining, and all the fringe benefits.

The White House website currently carries a populist quote from Michelle Obama: "It's the 'People's House.' It's a place that is steeped in history, but it's also a place where everyone should feel welcome. And that's why my husband and I have made it our mission to open up the house to as many people as we can."

Unless those people don't earn several million dollars per year for singing. Then they can stick it.

The media has largely ignored this rather obvious example of Obama hypocrisy. Why? Because to point out the fact that Barack and Michelle are elitists would undercut the leftist narrative that they represent the people, while the Republican Party represents the 1%. A cursory look at reality shows precisely the opposite: Washington, D.C. Democrats like Barack and Michelle prefer to hang with the jet set, introduce nominations at the Academy Awards, golf with Tiger, and shop in Europe -- all while claiming to be the voices of the people.

They tax everyday Americans in the name of fairness, then claim that they're truly taxing the top earners.


Click on the title links here to make your comments. Another posting about Michelle Obama but this one is S-C-A-R-Y !! 

Thanks Richard. I have been saving that 'squat' picture for just the right post.


Laura J Alcorn, National Director

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