Thursday, March 14, 2013

Flight 93 memorial to terrorists looking for volunteers





New post on Creeping Sharia


Flight 93 memorial to terrorists looking for volunteers

by creeping

Posted on by creeping

via Pa. 9/11 memorial looking for volunteers to participate in a tree planting day – NY Daily News.

SHANKSVILLE, Pa. — The Flight 93 National Memorial at Shanksville, Pa., where a plane crashed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks is seeking volunteers for a tree planting day April 27.

The Daily American of Somerset reports that volunteers, ages 14 and older, must register at the National Park Service website. No walk-ups will be accepted.

Authorities expect to plant 15,000 seedlings on 23 acres.

Volunteers will be supervised by a professional forester, and are advised to prepare for cold, wet and muddy conditions.

The memorial is about 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. It marks where a hijacked United Airlines jet crashed on Sept. 11, 2001. Investigators believe the hijackers planned to crash the plane in Washington, D.C., but were thwarted by passengers and crew members. Everyone aboard died.

Why no walk-ups? Why no mention that the hijackers were Muslim terrorists? Why no mention of the other sites attacked on 9/11 or the nearly 3,000 killed? Because that’s how it will be rewritten in the history books. Awash of details.

The memorial is travesty in itself, also hijacked and in the design of a giant Islamic crescent that points to mecca with markers for the Islamic terrorists.

For our previous posts on the media blackout on the second hijacking of Flight 93 see below:

The Flight 93 Memorial mosque (must see videos)

More videos at link above.

Fact checking resources:

Proof of Betrayal” page lists some basic claims about the design and shows how to check them, with links to original sources.

Crescent of Betrayal Dishonoring the Heroes of Flight 93

Want to see something ugly?

Every place where the terrorists are memorialized in the crescent design, they are placed in the symbolic Islamic heavens (the crescent and star parts of the design). Every place where the 40 heroes are memorialized, they are depicted as symbolically damned, cast out of the symbolic Islamic heavens. One example is in the Tower of Voices, where an Islamic shaped crescent soars in the sky above forty symbolic souls that literally dangle below:

Forty symbolic souls, never to rest in peace, gonging for eternity in their symbolic damnation, strung like fish as they hang down from the symbolic Islamic heavens projected in the sky above. Is the Memorial Project trying to start a riot? (Click pic for larger image.)

Much more at Crescent of Betrayal and Error Theory.


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