Friday, March 15, 2013

Iconoclast: Islam in Europe: Bat Ye'or Interview



Title: Islam in Europe: Bat Ye'or Interview
Friday, 15 March 2013

Islam in Europe: Bat Ye'or Interview


A hat tip to Imre H. 

Israel Flash has published this important interview with Bat Ye'or covering a wide range of topics.  As usual our chavera is prescient about the darkening developments in Eurabia.  Ever the Cassandra she warns about  the intensified isolation of Israel by EU members and the islamophiliac bureaucracy. prodded by increasing demands for self -governing Muslim Communities engaged in perfecting compliance with Sharia and Blasphemy Codes while engaged in blatant Islamic anti-Semitic actions.  She examines the pressures by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on the EU to comply with totalitarian Islamic doctrine under Sharia. Positions that she has ably articulated in her book Europe, Globalization, and the Coming of the Universal Caliphate that  Dr. Richard L. Rubenstein in Bat Ye'or and the Coming Universal Caliphate and   we  in Worldwide Caliphate Rising!  reviewed  in the NER , as well as  our interview with her  published in The West Speaks.


Islam in Europe interview with Bat Ye'or

Israel Flash

March 15, 2013

This is an important summary of the work of Bat Ye'or on the issue of Islam in Europe

Interview by Giovanni Bat Yeor Quer  

Giovanni Quer Muslim minorities in Europe demanding more independence to manage their internal affairs. What, in your opinion, the cause of their dissatisfaction with the legal, political and social provided by European states?

Bat Ye'or Muslim immigrants come from countries governed by the rules of traditional Islamic and belong to a civilization that has shaped the attitudes, thinking and behavior according to the values ​​and conceptions of the Sharia. Some immigrants have the strength to break away from the packaging but most remain faithful to their traditions.

The rules of Sharia create a society that is opposed in almost all areas mentalities and western lifestyle. This applies not only to gender equality and sexual freedom but also politics, religion, education, science. In addition, the Qur'an and Hadith (sacred scriptures of Islam) forbid Muslims to adopt the behavior of Christians and Jews. This prohibition is declared in the first chapter of the Qur'an which is repeated five times a day at every prayer. These reasons led the Muslim world to reject the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (December 1948), inspired by the universal European values ​​and non-religious, and to reaffirm its place the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights ( 1990) which items comply strictly with religious precepts of the Shariah.

Also rejection of Western mores, there are two other main reasons this refusal:

1) the religious tradition of contempt for Christians which must be subjected to Islamic supremacy as it was applied during thirteen centuries and still today.

2) the religious obligation to impose Sharia law to non-Muslims to establish Islamic system of justice and peace and the kingdom of God to the world.

GQ A growing number of European states are in favor of the adoption of Sharia law, at least in the court of arbitration of family law such as the United Kingdom. What this change will he succeed?

BY In a democracy, justice and the law must be the same for all. Different regulations adapted to the diversity of social groups destroy national cohesion and generate conflict. In the case of Muslim immigrants there is several million people scattered in most European countries and not thousands. In France, according to some speculation, the population is over 10 million people, is like a nation within another nation.

In his mind and its source, the jurisdiction of the Sharia is based on the word of the Koran uncreated and therefore can not, without risk of blasphemy be discussed, modified or criticized. This is in contradiction with the rational framework of European law that evolves and adapts to circumstances. Sharia submits freedom of expression and scientific research to religious norms, it discriminates between the sexes and religions, Muslim and non-Muslims, as can be seen now in the modern Muslim countries and even in Europe. The religious divide between people living in the same country will increase. Sharia in its spirit and rules forms a total systemic framework. If one accepts certain elements, such as education of girls or their segregation in society, where does it stop?

The adoption of Sharia laws in many European countries will undoubtedly accelerate the Islamization of the continent, a development that the Europeans refuse. In other words, the more we import the principles of Islamic civilization in our country, the more we resemble Muslim societies. This must be the subject of serious reflection and public debate because it could bring irreversible change and social conflict. It is not possible to avoid these issues.

GQ One of the arguments in favor of the adoption of Sharia emphasizes that the recognition of Islamic law under the supervision of the civil courts of the States will advance to Western standards (or its control by the civil courts will advance Western standards) and therefore retrograde internal practices (implemented Sharia) will likely be discontinued. Do you agree with this argument?

BY can not be based on a policy of wishful thinking. This argument asserts the opposite of the truth and reveals the weak governments are unable or afraid to impose Muslim immigrants laws of their country, knowing that they, contradicting Sharia in all cases be refused by the immigrants or a number of them. We have seen how the illusions that have shaped the war in Iraq and support for the Arab Spring rebellions, far from bringing democracy to the people and freedom, led a wave of massacres and cruelty.

GQ In your books, you set the dhimmitude as submission to Islam and the acceptance of a lower status in society to prevent death or slavery and dhimmitude you define contemporary as submission to the Islam in order to avoid anti-Western violence. Beyond fear, how to express behavior dhimmitude?

BY many motivations encourage people, especially politicians to accept dhimmitude without even being conscious of their passivity. Let me first point out that politicians and the general public are completely unaware of the meaning of dhimmitude. They have a vague idea of the special condition of non-Muslims, usually Christians in Muslim countries and do not apply to him by name. They do not know that this is the result of a compulsory military law and theological doctrines based. They are ignorant and that ignorance makes them particularly vulnerable.

In addition, we are prisoners of a systematic social indoctrination disseminated through the media, books, films and advertising constantly preaches multiculturalism, relativism of cultures, cultural deconstruction of fundamental principles the West, interreligious dialogue, Western guilt, debt arts and sciences of Europe in the magnificent Muslim civilization of tolerance and peace. The concepts of Jihad and dhimmitude are totally rejected and taboo. Specific identities and European history are deliberately erased, discredited in order to please the foreigners who proudly depreciate while maintaining their traditions and beliefs.

Let me clarify that dhimmitude is not only a prerequisite military, political, legal, social and religious, it is also perverted mental conditioning of a person who justifies his own enslavement and is the instrument of his destruction. Dhimmitude intellectual precedes and opens the way to its realization in reality.

Western dhimmitude is revealed in the formal adoption and free historical narrative by Muslim elites. I recognize that prejudice often found in historical accounts should be deleted. However, the structure of historical data and documents must not be disqualified by calling them illiterate fables, but must be preserved because it is the foundation of human knowledge and civilization. In schools and universities, we see the constant confrontation between the Western and Muslim conceptions of history and politics-these before, in the prism Muslim comply with the teachings of the Koran. Religious commandment holy, jihad can not be criticized without committing blasphemy. War of aggression for Westerners, it is interpreted by Muslims as a peaceful means to resume illegally occupied by miscreants who oppose the will of Allah.

GQ Is that you refer to Israel as well?

Islamic narrative adopted by Europe is particularly shocking in regards to Israel because he denies their rights in their ancestral homeland and submits to the strategic criteria and ideological jihad. Obsessed with hatred against Israel vengeful, Europe, together with the Arab-Muslim countries, leading to all levels of war to delegitimize and demonize Israel with the ultimate goal the destruction. I believe that this policy is an important sign of dhimmitude. Europe knows very well the history of the people of Israel to their land because for twenty centuries, it was the basis of his spirituality and values. However, it adopts the jihadist ideology that denies the story and is both the destruction of Europe than Israel. In other words, Europe as a continent vassal fell into dhimmitude, folds objectives Islamists who seek to destroy.

Another sign of dhimmitude is the creation of a whole European industry falsification of the history of Israel, its archeology and its biblical sites in order to palestiniser, so to Islamize. In museums in Paris and London, Palestine and the Palestinians are mentioned on antiques referring to the Hebrews as 2000 BC when it was only in 135 AD that the Roman Emperor Hadrian changed the name of Judea to that of Palestine after defeating its Jewish inhabitants!

GQ So is that dhimmitude influence the reaction of Europe to mobilize Muslim minorities?

BY addition to their strategy of dhimmi subservience to the Muslim world about Israel, their immigration policies and textbooks, European governments have imposed on their citizens Sharia law on blasphemy. Similarly, the deliberate denial of terrorism and insecurity practiced by the European Union recalls the peaceful Dhimmi resignation to his disappearance. It is difficult to maintain freedom of expression and thought in the universities and the media. The aggressiveness and intolerance replace them. Those who resist, like Geert Wilders, Magdi Allam Christiano, and others, are targeted by assassins. Recently, we tried to kill Lars Hedegaard, the Danish champion of freedom of expression, but the suspect was not found, speculation is rife. Europe is less European and more Islamized course with unconscious addiction to dhimmitude, insecurity, aggression and insults for non-Muslims. Spurred by the powerful Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Western states are waging a war of Islamophobia against their own citizens without that we know very well what it means.

The trend towards dhimmitude flourishes in Europe who chose the disintegration of the foundations and the destruction of nation-states.

GQ radical Islam and anti-liberal ideology. You say that the European attitude towards dhimmis ambivalent radical Islam is an attitude of indirect support. How do you explain that European countries have made ​​progress in the areas of science, technology, social welfare, culture, social issues such as minority rights or the rights of homosexuals and simultaneously open their doors to ideologies illiberal?

BY Generally contradictions abound in the political and historical trends removes a multiplicity of consistency and uniformity. Great discoveries and artistic achievements in the past have coexisted with wars and social injustices. Under the Nazis, the intellectual and artistic life continued, in occupied France, Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir and many other great writers and artists flourished despite the inhumanity of this period. Advances in science, technology and other fields are the result of the efforts of doctors, scientists, researchers and other individuals, politicians rarely.

As in totalitarian regimes, opposition to the pro-Muslim European policy exists but it is locked. Dissidents are accused of being racist and Nazi campaign by international media witch hunt. They are victims of boycott, discrimination, social ostracism and professional insecure hardware. Not only they are persecuted by their own government and the state apparatus but they are also targeted by jihadists in Europe applying the Sharia law on blasphemy.

GQ Many NGOs, such as 'An Act for All' struggle against the adoption of Sharia law and for the integration of Muslim groups in European societies, in order to prevent the radicalization from different educational systems of separate legal systems and religious and political activities underground. See you in these activities the emergence of a social movement that neutralizes the institutional passivity?

BY Yes, this is a positive initiative, also for Muslims, as this will avoid conflicts and resentments against them. There are 56 Muslim countries plus the Gaza Strip, which apply Sharia. Muslims who want to live under the jurisdiction of the Shariah, should immigrate to these countries instead of immigrating to Western countries.

GQ  countries in the Middle East today have inherited the Ottoman "millet", which granted autonomy to the ethno-religious communities, including family law. Israel has adapted this system, recognizing the religious courts, by including the rabbinical courts and Islamic, with extensive powers of family law. Control of the Supreme Court decision on religious courts influenced the religious jurisprudence, including judges of Sharia. In your opinion, would it be a model to adapt to Europe for the recognition of Sharia courts, as is already the case in the UK?

BY The system of "millet" was originally designed by the Romans. The extension of their empire by conquering many peoples and territories, incited the Roman emperors to allow their subjects to keep their national religion particular, their gods and their own laws. In this context, the Jewish religion as a friend and ally of Rome, was recognized religio licita (lawful religion), and thus enjoyed legal autonomy. Even after the destruction of Jewish independence by the Roman armies and the incorporation of the country as new colony named Palaestina in the Roman Empire (135 AD), this status of autonomy was preserved, but with some modifications .

This is the Christianization of the Roman Empire that turned this "liberal" a mandatory condition of misery and misfortune for the Jews. However, while all pagan cults were forbidden, Judaism was tolerated but lowered by a court discriminatory and humiliating to incite hatred. This anti-Jewish legislation was included in the Byzantine legal codes from the fifth century.She formed the Jewish status, applied throughout Europe until the 18th and 19th century when it was abolished with the French Revolution, some of its laws were reactivated in the status racist anti-Jewish promulgated by the Vichy French during the World War II.

When in the seventh century, the Arabs invaded the Byzantine territories, they adopted the status of Jews in an aggravated form and Islamized. They integrated it into the books of the Sharia, and applied it to the Jewish and Christian populations. It is known in the Ottoman Empire as the system of "millets" nations. This is the legal system that I studied under the name of dhimmitude, which is still valid today in Islam as it is obvious to those who know him.

Let me now tell you why I oppose the introduction of millet in Europe in the 21st century. First, the millet system means not only civil and religious autonomy for minorities. It stems from a jihadist conquest of non-Muslim territory and laws jihadists. Whether in its Roman form moderate or oppressive legislation against Sharia populations conquered by the Islamic Empire, the result of territorial conquests. Second, it is inseparable from the whole dehumanizing system of dhimmitude, which, briefly, requires:

Economic inequality, social, religious, cultural, and legal between Muslims and non-Muslims;

The collective responsibility of the non-Muslim community for the sins of an individual;

Cultural restrictions;

Discriminatory legal disability;

Correlated with protection status dehumanizing;

The prohibition of the possession of land, weapons, etc..

European colonization of Muslim countries and the Arab nationalist governments abolished the system of millets, but its discrimination against non-Muslims, who were incorporated Sharia still exist today, even in Turkey. It was never established in the Arabian Peninsula as non-Muslims could not live.

Situations of Muslim immigrant communities in Europe are very different from those of native millets under living in their ancestral homeland. These communities are not native European nations subject, but foreign communities who chose to immigrate to their own will. I think lawyers should develop a system that respects their religious requirements in accordance with the national legislation of the host country.

GQ You describe with great skill the millet system adapted to Israeli jurisdiction. But this system was imposed by the former colonial power Britain and has never been adopted by any of the people who, after centuries of struggle, managed to liberate the Islamic colonization in Spain, Sicily, Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Armenia.

BY Lawyers and European politicians should consider three issues that relate only to Islam

The obligatory association of religion and politics;

The origin uncreated - and therefore immutable - Islamic sacred Scriptures;

The religious imperative of universal jihad.

GQ When we talk about Islam, we also speak of Jewish-Muslim relations and the Muslim attitude towards Israel. Let me ask a question apparently naive. Why do we ask the Jews to assimilate into the majority culture of their country of residence, while Muslims are encouraged to seek more independence and autonomy under the protection of minorities and human rights man? Why are Jews they considered an incorrigible "different people" attached to old traditions, while Muslim practices are welcomed as a positive expression of diversity, somehow idealized?

BY The EU's relations with Muslims into the scheme of dhimmitude. European politicians do not dare confront the powerful Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which is indeed the source dictates to Europe's anti-Israeli strategy of Muslim immigration, textbooks, non-integration, multiculturalism, Muslim schools separate, affirmative action, promotion of diversity, the blasphemy law, sharia banking, etc.. The European Union and European leaders are just conveyors orders of the OIC, they impose their peoples. The OIC has recruited and paid in Europe, countless lobbyists and employees to implement its strategy jihadist silent.

Israel has no such strategy towards Europe or such financial power and no influence on European politics. As for the anti-Jewish animus, it is a combination, in some environments, traditional Christian anti-Semitism which is associated with the spread of a predominantly Muslim Judeophobia and the Palestinian cause. We must not forget that since the beginning of the twentieth century opposition to Zionism and anti-Semitism served to close the approximation and Christian-Muslim dialogue.

GQ Wearing Jewish symbols became increasingly dangerous in Europe due to Muslim anti-Jewish violence and that of the radical left. The existence of anti-Semitic sermons in Islamic groups, mosques and Muslim schools is well known. Why the authorities are not interested they of this phenomenon?

BY I do not know if we can still speak with authority. Thanks to the European Union and the OIC, European states are failing and unable to impose order and security in their own territories, charges that are their primary duty to their citizens. Today, the plan states the abolition of frontiers opting to host massive immigration, hence the need to promote multiculturalism and relativism of values. They reject the constraints of the nation-state by transmitting their responsibilities transnational bureaucracy, the European Union, which circumvent the democratic rules. The union and the peace of Europe represent a significant enrichment but should not rely on a fascist structure. The economic crisis will worsen the situation.

On anti-Semitism, he was promoted by the European Commission from 1999 to support Arafat and scare small Jewish communities who had survived the Holocaust and which were added Jewish refugees expelled from Arab countries in the 1950-60. The objective was to force them to denounce Israel to increase its isolation and engage Jews in the smear campaign against the State. This policy was programmed by the European Commission then headed by the triumvirate Romano Prodi, Javier Solana and Chris Patten, and was coordinated with the terrorist attacks of the second intifada in 2000 ordered by Arafat supported by Jacques Chirac, as I have shown in my book Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis forcefully documents. BDS, the economic boycott of apartheid and accusations of "occupation" launched against Israel, Palestinian exempt jihadism and trigger anti-Semitism emanating from the European Union, OIC and its European collaborators and churches Palestinian, Syrian, Iraqi dhimmi.

Political Europe has always been hostile to the Jewish national liberation movement. Except for exceptional personalities and some politicians isolated governments collaborated in one way or another to the Holocaust. The exemption of radical Islam in the EU based on its support for the Palestinian cause, whose ideology permeates his insidious war against Israel.

GQ held a Hezbollah attack against Israeli tourists in Bulgaria. Previously, Arafat's PLO has repeatedly attacked the Jewish and Israeli targets in Europe, supported by radical leftist terrorist organizations. The EU and other Member States refuse to include in the list of terrorist organizations, the organization Hezbollah. Is this an example of dhimmitude?

BY course. Dhimmi politicians fear terrorist reprisals in Europe or other countries. This example illustrates the ridiculous charade of the European Union as a champion of human rights. France, great destroyer of the policy of self-defense of Israel said so grandiose that terrorists in Mali should be eradicated. And why not to Gaza? Why not in Lebanon?

The radical left groups and Islamic converge on another point: the delegitimization and demonization of Israel. What are the reasons for this ideological community? Both groups, however, are different in their conception of religion, gender and politics.

The virulent anti-Semitism has always existed within the left parties. Communist states supported Arafat, the Palestinians and the Third World in a grand coalition against the democracies. Today, the European radical left is moribund and surviving recruiting its members among Muslim immigrants and anti-Israeli campaigns well paid petrodollars.

GQ One last question: How do you see the future of Europe? What should I do to stop dhimmitude?

BY It is difficult to predict the future of Europe as it is in a transitional state has lost its references by deliberate choice to destroy by renouncing its territorial stability, its history and its cultural roots. But a civilization that denies its values ​​and foundations, is a soulless civilization and a prey to others. Changes to adapt to changing circumstances are necessary, but the survival of Europe requires the preservation of its core values ​​and Judeo-Christian humanistic and not dissolve in the magma with a multitude undifferentiated-invoking multiculturalism-the equivalence of civilization with barbarism.

To end dhimmitude, which confirms the suppression of freedom and human dignity, it must first be able to recognize it. One can not fight against a situation that does not discern and do not understand. We must overcome the denial policy and ideological control of the fascist culture and opinion aimed at shaping the politically correct. We need to support politicians, writers, journalists and ordinary people who put their lives in danger and accept sacrifices on the professional and social safeguard basic democratic values ​​of our societies. The history will recognize them as heroes who have saved the freedom and dignity of future generations.


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