Sunday, March 17, 2013

Muslim Supremacism and Media Dissembling


Muslim Supremacism and Media Dissembling

March 16, 2013 | Raymond Ibrahim

Many are the reasons why Americans — including most Christians — are utterly ignorant of the plight of Christians under Islam. Yet there is no doubt that the media, where we get our information, is the root source of this ignorance. Whether by distorting, engaging in apologetics for Islam, or simply not reporting on the reality on the ground, the mainstream media has seen to it that Muslim persecution of Christians, arguably the greatest human rights abuse of our time, is little known and even less acted upon.

Michael Kravshik offers a good, recent example of how the media, including those most expected to be objective, habitually, perhaps instinctively, distort and thus minimize the situation. Excerpts from his article, which is well worth a full read, follow:

This most recent example comes courtesy of both Foreign Policy Magazine and the Associated Press, two sources that are expected to uphold objective integrity when reporting on straight facts. Foreign Policy Magazine's opinion pieces are exceptions to this rule, but this example comes not from an op-ed, but from its "Morning Brief" which is intended to report on facts, not opinion… [O]n March 1, 2013 I was greeted with the following: "Muslim-Chritian fighting has reportedly broken out in a town in Southern Egypt." [Note: spelling error on the word Christian from original source.]

Following the link to the AP report that this headline was sourced from leads to an article entitled, "Christian-Muslim tension flares in southern Egypt." The actual facts of the situation are presented quite clearly in the first paragraph:

"Dozens of Muslim residents threw firebombs and rocks at police on Friday as they tried to storm a church in southern Egypt in search of a woman suspected of converting to Christianity, security officials said." You can find more specifics in the body of the article.

The report refers to the event in a number of ways:

1) "Christian-Muslim tension flares…" (in the title)

2) "Clashes between Copts and Muslims…"

3) "Violence between Egypt's Christians and Muslims…"

4) "The fighting…"

Tensions, clashes, violence and fighting. By reading the actual details of the event, it is clear that none of these phrases adequately describe what is quite obviously an assault on a besieged Egyptian minority. All of these phrases—especially clashes, and fighting—including the Foreign Policy headline imply the culpability of both parties, which in this case is far from the truth... Continue reading.


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