Monday, April 1, 2013

Terror TV Al Jazeera's Belen Fernandez calls Pamela Geller a "Certified Sociopath"


March 31, 2013

#Savage Terror TV Al Jazeera's Belen Fernandez calls Pamela Geller a "Certified Sociopath" @MariaBelen_Fdez @ajenglish

"We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men." - George Orwell.

It seems that the billionaire jihadist global network is afraid of the support that voices of freedom receive and the impact we are making despite their "money, men and media." So once again they resort to smear, attack, and defamation. *yawn* I don't have the money or the access to power of an Al Jazeera terror outlet -- but I have the truth, and that is why these savages will be defeated. And they know it.

Here is an article in Al Jazeera dictating how journalists should "write about Muslims" by another useful idiota, Belen Fernandez. Belen, don't let the bodies, the persecution, the oppression and misogyny get in the way of your bloody narrative. Fernandez laments the results of a study commissioned by the Greater London Authority of 352 articles over a randomly selected one week period in 2007, that found that 91 percent of articles about Muslims were "negative." As if it were somehow the media's fault that Muslims are waging jihad in almost every corner of the world. Hardwired for delusion, Belen implies that not reporting on jihad would somehow magically make it all go away. Ground Zero mosque imam Rauf says the same thing. Would Fernandez prefer that no news outlet report on the over 20,000 deadly Islamic attacks since 911? Or remain silent (which they invariably do) on honor violence and murder, Islamic Jew-hatred, persecution of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, et al in Muslim lands? In a word, yes.

Belen resorts to ad hominem attack and subtly threatens those pundits and scholars who dare to speak about even a little bit of the dangers with the same smear, libel and defamation. She apparently assumes that secondary voices are weak and easily bullied by goons like her. Hers is not a pen but a club.

When millions of members of the umma stop killing and expunge Islamic texts and teachings that compel and sanction supremacism and violence, and start inventing, creating, producing, loving, and contributing to the good of man, I am sure the reportage will change. But Fernandez prefers to kill the messenger. Lenin and Stalin had their useful idiots. And so does Moe.

The article is a paranoid conspiracist's wet dream. And it takes delusion to new heights (uh, lows). Just read the comments.

"How to write about Muslims" Belen Fernandez, Al Jazeera
Media depictions of Muslims kill two birds with one stone, justifying oppression at home and imperial devastation abroad


The demonisation of Muslims by certified sociopaths such as Pamela Geller comes, of course, as no surprise. However, the subtler dissemination of similar sentiments in Western mainstream discourse underscores the fundamental utility of the sociopathic sector in making institutionalised prejudice appear more rationally benign.

For example, according to Dr Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, executive director of the Institute for Policy Research and Development in the UK:

"[a] study commissioned by the Greater London Authority of 352 articles over a randomly selected one week period in 2007, found that 91 percent of articles about Muslims were 'negative'."


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