Thursday, June 6, 2013

Humor-gate in Manchester

On June 4 the FBI and DOJ (Department of Justice) appeared at a meeting called by AMAC (American Muslim Advisory Council -- Muslim Brotherhood) in Manchester, TN. The meeting was due to a joke posted by a Coffee County Commissioner on Face Book. The DOJ Assistant Attorney General said in a newspaper interview that the joke might be classified as hate speech and a crime. Below is a political leaflet handed out to the over a thousand attendees at the meeting. (A note: there are only 10,000 people who live in Manchester, TN)

This event which uses the full Federal powers of the corrupt Department of Justice to suppress free speech and shape domestic politics will not be the last. The DOJ is now a full partner with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Fast and Furious, Benghazi-gate, DOJ Reporter-gate,
IRS Suppression of Free Speech and now—

Humor-gate, Free Speech Intimidation in Manchester TN

Why has Obama shaped law enforcement into agencies of intimidation of our political speech? It all starts with the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) in the UN with Resolution 16/18 that criminalizes any criticism of Islam since it blasphemes Islam. Blasphemy punishment is pure Sharia law. There is NO free speech in Islam, since it does not allow any criticism of Islam. Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, worked for 3 days in NY with the OIC to find a way to accommodate Islamic blasphemy and slander laws in America. Tonight is the fruit of that labor.

Government agencies are trained about Islam according to Muslim Brotherhood standards. They are taught that Islam is a religion and that Muslims are just like everybody else. It is forbidden to discuss Islam as a political system. Language is controlled and jihad doctrine cannot be used in the analysis of Islamic violence.

Look at tonight's event. The AMAC (American Muslim Advisory Council) is a political group and this meeting is political, yet the government gives all Islamic politics the cover of religion. Religious Islam disguises political Islam and tries to enforce Sharia law.

You will be told tonight that the problem with Muslims in America is how they are victims of bigoted oppression. Victimhood is a feature of Islam. Mohammed was portrayed as a victim, without any fault. Therefore, Islam is without fault and Muslims are victims. As an example, on 9/11 Muslims were the real victims, because it made some Americans criticize Muslims and Islam.

The movie shown here tonight, Welcome to Shelbyville, is pure propaganda. Why don't they show the fact-based film, Losing Our Sons? According to our government, a joke about Muslims is a more serious problem than Carlos Bledsoe (Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad) attempting to assassinate a rabbi here in Tennessee and his murder of our military in Arkansas. Did you know that there are no jokes about Mohammed in 1400 years? Political humor such as the Mohammed cartoons can result in riots and death. In America we can tell jokes such as Jesus, Tiger Woods and Moses are playing golf…. But, can we tell a joke about Mohammed and Aisha playing golf…? Not if it offends Muslims.

When Coffee County Commissioner Barry West posted his political satire on Face Book he found out that Islam never changes. Humor about anything Islamic has been forbidden by Sharia law for 1400 years, and it will not be tolerated now. The dhimmis (Kafirs, non-Muslims, who serve Islam) rush forward to placate a humorless Islam. This is all about the Islamists making a molehill out of a mountain.

This night is an example of how Obama's Federal government is suppressing critical thought and forcing us to submit to an Orwellian authority. Facts are bigotry. Truth is hate.

Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam
copyright (c) CBSX, LLC,
Use as needed, just give credit and do not edit.



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