Saturday, June 22, 2013

Is WordPress censoring conservative blogs?





New post on Fellowship of the Minds


Is WordPress censoring conservative blogs?

by Dr. Eowyn

Do you have a WordPress blog?

Are you noticing a decided slump in the number of readers (measured as "unique views") for your blog?

The MAD Jewess has, and she believes her WordPress -- the server of her blog and also of Fellowship of the Minds (FOTM) -- is deliberately suppressing and lying about her blog's stats (statistics).

In her post of June 21, 2013, "Fascist, NAZI is Monitoring the MAD Jewess-BIGTIME," she writes:

Not only are my stats a lie, many of my friends are not getting their subscriptions. [...]

My husband has emailed wordpress 4X this week to no avail.  They don’t mind taking a little dough, but they will not EVER write back to help us out and FIX their STALINIST statistics..  We use to have many thousands a day, especially in late 2012 on up to April 2013. Then, Obama probably told them to shut us up for calling him what he is; a Murderer, liar, evil, satanic, dumb, asshole etc.  If we blogged about how liberals are wonderful and not debaucherous sobs, they would FIX OUR STATS.


NO, WordPress is not threatening to ‘shut me down’. Its much more cleverer than that.   They just mess with our statistics.  Make it look like all the work we do is for nothing. Its a psych game.  I am not alone in this.  Many WordPress folks have expressed their displeasure about this situation. 

SO, we are looking into hiring an investigator to see who else they are doing this to, how they do it and so forth.

There are complaints by other WordPress blogs of not only declining number of views, but also static numbers of followers or subscribers.

There is a precedent of WordPress bending to the Left's PC tyranny. In 2012, WordPress actually shut down the blog, Bare Naked Islam, because of complaints from CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations). Go here for the details.

Here on FOTM, I have noticed the following:

·         Our daily stats (# of views) are down by about a thousand a day.

·         Fewer sites seem to be picking up on and linking to our posts, although some of our posts still do get linked. Only recently, had a link to a post by Trail Dust, "'Constitution Teacher' attacks Christian kids," resulting in that post receiving more than 6,000 hits in one day.

·         FOTM’s following or subscribers, however, continue to grow — via Facebook, WordPress, email, and Twitter.

Before going to WordPress's malicious machinations as the explanation, I first look to two other possibilities:

1.    Summer doldrums: Readership typically declines in the summer months, last summer being an exception because of the looming November 6 elections.

2.    People being spooked by Pres. Lucifer's NSA blanket surveillance of even ordinary Americans, and so are staying away from the Internet.

We need more information, instead of a few anecdotal accounts and subjective speculations. Here are two polls, to help us gather more information before we hastily jump to a conclusion:

·         The first poll is for bloggers only.

·         The second poll is for readers of FOTM.

View Poll

View Poll

Please add your thoughts and explanations of how you voted in a comment!

Thank you. :D



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