Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Uncle Sam Wants You (But Not Muslims) . . . Under Surveillance


Uncle Sam Wants You (But Not Muslims) . . . Under Surveillance

by Common Constitutionalist


According to an ever-increasing array of sources, we are all under surveillance. Every electronic source of communication is being monitored, cataloged and stored in Utah to be accessed by the authorities at any time in the future.

Our phone calls, e-mails, texts, everything. And with the ever-growing number of security cameras lining our streets, our every movement can be monitored outdoors.

Once inside they have the capability of watching us through our web cams and interactive TVs. With the introduction of common core in our schools it does seem like the government at least has the makings of building a "Minority Report" type profile on each and every American. Well, not quite.

There is the odd schizophrenia when it comes to the Muslim community. It seems our same ultra-intrusive government doesn't feel the need to monitor them as they do us.

Even when moderate Muslims claim to have seen materials calling for jihad against the United States in the Cambridge mosque attended by the Tsarnaev brothers.Watching You_02

But I'm sure our government sees the Cambridge mosque as a holy place that should not be monitored even though the founder of the Islamic Society of Boston mosque was none other than Abdulrahman Alamoudi, who is currently serving two years in prison for funding Al Qaeda. Yes, only two years.

One of the mosques former trustees and a "spiritual leader" of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi has been banned from even entering the U.S. due to his terror ties. Other notable mosque attendees include a member of Al Qaeda. Yet the mosque is still fully operational and growing every year.

And evidently the jihadist materials recently found in the mosque are nothing new. One Muslim attendee told CBN news that 10 years ago he found in the mosques upstairs library, many flyers and newsletters, written in Arabic calling for jihad against America, Jews and Christians.

Note our all-seeing governmental eye did not discover these publications, but they are watching you.

Four years ago the Muslim American Society built a new mosque in Roxbury, a Boston neighborhood.

By the way, the Muslim American Society is, as are most of these "societies", a front for the Muslim Brotherhood.

The mosque cost a whopping $15.5 million and most of the money came from our buddies, Saudi Arabia. You know, our friends, the wahhabists. Naturally, the liberal Massachusetts political class all endorsed these mosques.

Now we all know, if this were a Synagogue or Christian church, breeding and promoting radicalism, the doors would've already been padlocked.

Yet radicals can be bred in these mosques and no one is allowed to say anything for fear of being branded a racist or Islamophobe.

So us law-abiding patriotic citizens live our lives been catalogued and profiled with every keystroke being monitored. All the while, radical Islamists are holed up in their "religious sanctuaries" all across the country churning out jihadist literature and killers.

At least our government has their priorities straight.

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