Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Muslim Terrorists want to remove Pledge of Allegiance, "Liberty and Justice for all"? Allahu akbar!


Hamas-CAIR wants to remove Pledge of Allegiance, “Liberty and Justice for all”? Allahu akbar!

CAIR-Hamas 2014: American Wing of Muslim Brotherhood


Slave to Islamic supremacist imperatives, Hamas-CAIR, is schooling us on what the Pledge of Allegiance means and why schoolchildren should not have to say it. They are telling us that it should not be “mandated” in America, when every aspect of daily human life is mandated under sharia. I am sure they would love to mandate the shahada.

Their allegiance is not with America. Their allegiance is to Islam.

“Allah’s divine sovereignty is irreconcilable with popular sovereignty, which is the essence of democracy.” And finally, that “Islamic law, the Shari’a is therefore not a supplement to the “secular” legal code, it is the only such code and the only basis of obligation, because a Muslim’s only true allegiance is to Allah, and to Muhammad…” (more here)

Adam Soltani, executive director of CAIR-Oklahoma, offered the following statement: “We believe that mandating the Pledge of Allegiance contradicts its contents.” Devout Muslims cannot begin to understand it contents: “with liberty and justice for all” is blasphemy under Islam. “Liberty and justice for all” is an assault on Islamic supremacism. You cannot adhere to the tenets of Islam and tolerate “liberty and justice for all,” let alone fight for it, die for it.

Ask the persecuted Christians living in Muslims countries about “liberty and justice for all.”
Ask the Hindus living in Muslim countries about “liberty and justice for all.”
Ask the Jews ethnically cleansed from Muslim lands about “liberty and justice for all.”
Ask the Jews about the jihad against Israel about “liberty and justice for all.”

Of course, these CAIR cretins are advocating for the removal of the Pledge of Allegiance. The mask drops, yet again. Is anyone at the DoJ, DoS, DoD, or 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue listening?

CAIR-OK Says Mandating the Pledge of Allegiance Contradicts Its Contents
Adam Soltani, executive director of CAIR-Oklahoma, offered the following statement: “We believe that mandating the Pledge of Allegiance contradicts its contents. The liberty discussed in the Pledge of Allegiance includes the right to make that pledge freely rather than by compulsion. We dishonor the Pledge of Allegiance by mandating its recital.”

“The passage of such legislation also has the potential of infringement on First Amendment rights. The pledge of allegiance is truly a sign of patriotism, however upholding our constitution is the best way to express our patriotism.”


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